The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd.
Editor's Office -
Editor's letter for December 2000
Editor's letter December 2000
Editor's letter November 2000

Editor's letter October 2000

Editor's letter August 2000

Editor's letter July 2000
Editor's letter June 2000

Editor's letter May 2000
Editor's letter April 2000
Editor's letter January 2000

The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd can be accessed on the Internet via the following domain names: - - - - The site is honored to be archived at the National Library of Canada in the Canadian Electronic Publications. Content published from February 1/2000 to December 17 /2000: 603 reviews, 97 feature interviews, 27 columns. No issue was published in August.

Our Special Holiday Issue features author interviews with
Cara Black; Nancy J. Cohen; Dianne Day; John the Eunuch, Lord Chamberlain to Emperor Justinian; Lisa Kleinholz; Lee Meadows; Joanne Pence; Martin J. Smith ; and Gaynor Young. Also included are 52 new reviews, and our Top 30 List of Best Books Reviewed in 2000.

This is the time of year to celebrate with family and friends, to remember others less fortunate, and to look back on the year's achievements. To the many writers, authors, reviewers, editors, columnists, interviewers, and publishers, a heartfelt thank you. What we have accomplished could not have been possible without you.

Special thanks to: Morgan Ann Adams, Reed Andrus, Lisa Eagleson-Roever, Julie Failla Earhart, Rachel A. Hyde, Zaheera Jiwaji, Susan McBride, Nancy Mehl, PJ Nunn, Natalie Buske Thomas, Phillip Tomasso III, Merilyn Tomkins.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for a prosperous New Year. See you again in January 2001.

Charlotte Austin, Editor-in-Chief
December 17, 2000

Charlotte Austin
Canadian Editor
Zaheera Jiwaji
African-American Authors
Julie Failla Earhart
E-book Editor
Lisa Eagleson-Roever
General Fiction Editor
Nancy Duncan, MSW
Mystery Editor
Nancy Mehl
South African Editor
Merilyn Tomkins
UK Editor
Rachel A. Hyde
© 2000 The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd., for Web site content and design, and/or writers, reviewers and artists where/as indicated.