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Reviewed by Susan McBride

Susan McBride is the author of And Then She Was Gone, nominated for a Reviewers’ Choice Award for Best First Mystery by Romantic Times magazine and now in its second printing. Her second Maggie Ryan novel, Overkill, will be released in the fall of 2001.

Susan has contributed an essay for an anthology called Living the Writer’s Life: Reflections, Memories and Advice to be published in September of 2001 by Tarcher/Putnam. A story titled "Stormy Weather" will be part of an anthology of mystery shorts compiled by the Mayhem in the Midlands convention, also slated for release in 2001.

To prove to her dad that her Journalism degree from the University of Kansas hasn’t gone to waste, she has contributed nonfiction articles and interviews to such print and electronic publications as the Mystery Readers Journal, Romantic Times, and It’s Murder in addition to writing regularly for The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd.

Having fallen in love with words very early on, Susan knew she wanted to be a novelist by age 19. Doing interviews, book reviews, and a regular column entitled "From the Trenches" for The Charlotte Austin Review is right up her alley, and she hopes that sharing her insights into the tricky world of publishing will inspire other writers to hang in there.

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