The Charlotte Austin Review Ltd.
Publisher interview -
Interview with
Glimmer Train Literary Magazine

Nancy Duncan

In 1990 Glimmer Train, a renowned literary magazine was founded. The magazine was intended for aspiring and established writers, and launched by two sisters, Linda and Susan, of Portland, Oregon. After a decade of establishing a solid foundation, Glimmer Train has become one of the most widely read and respected literary publications throughout the nation. During a recent interview, Glimmer Train shared some of their insights, words of wisdom, and the magazine’s expertise where writing is concerned.

NANCY DUNCAN - What type of material does Glimmer Train look for?

GLIMMER TRAIN - We publish literary pieces and short fiction.

How many stories do you receive each month?

Around 2000.

What percentage of stories do you publish?

We publish 2 to 3 dozen stories a year.

Is there anything you won’t read or publish?

We don’t generally consider genre material unless it is also literary.

What should a writer do to become published?

Read a lot of great material. All the annual "best of" sort of collections and the periodicals in which you’d most like to publish your own work. Then write and submit your work tirelessly. Choose the publications you submit to wisely. If you like the publication and would be pleased to be published there, chances are you and the editors have similar tastes.

What makes Glimmer Train different than other literary publications?

Our publication may have a little more of an intimate feeling. Our author profiles are certainly more personal than most. The stories we choose are both extremely well written and emotionally affecting.

What mistakes do you see most often within a manuscript?

People haven’t taken the time to see if their material fits the publication or their writing skills are not yet refined enough.

What are the main reasons you generally reject a manuscript?

The same as above.

How should a writer submit to Glimmer Train?

Follow our guidelines. SEND SASE for guidelines or check our website:

Final comments or anything you’d like to add?

We really do welcome work from unpublished writers as well as from established ones. It’s a thrill to discover new voices. Don’t be discouraged by rejection - it is inevitable even for the very best writers. Many of the stories we’ve published have come from authors whose work we’ve rejected many times.

For more information on submission requirements and contests at Glimmer Train,visit their website at:
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