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Succeed Without Burnout
Succeed Without Burnout:
Proven Strategies to Move Your Life From Burnout to Balance
By Ben Kubassek
157 Pages, 1999
Reviewed by
Marion E. Cason

"Many people just go with the flow, following each other to work and home every day like a bunch of processionary caterpillars. They never make it to become a butterfly and experience real freedom; instead, they die of starvation as a caterpillar following a procession called the 'masses' in a circle that goes nowhere." This quote sets the tone of
Succeed without Burnout.

Ben Kubassek relates his experience with burnout and what symptoms to look for. More importantly, he gives us the key to succeed without experiencing burnout. The key is balance: physically, mentally and spiritually. Kubassek tells us what lessons he learned from his burnout and how he now applies balance to these three areas of his life. If he gets busier at work, he increases his physical activities and increases his mental activities. He even shares how he allocates his 168 hours a week to various activities. [We all have the same 168 hours a week].

Kubassek relates stories other writers have written about burnout or out-of-balance living and provides us with a comprehensive bibliography. What I enjoyed about
Succeed without Burnout is the down to earth practical application of putting your life in balance. The book is a road map to helping you find your way to true happiness. Today, with information overload lurking on the horizon, Succeed Without Burnout can ward off a bout with burnout.

Kubassek's closing words are: "Remember to always stay in touch with yourself, sensing any shift in balance. Apply the principles of balance and you will survive, learn, and grow. You will become a new creature, one that has risen above burnout."

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