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The Distance Between
The Distance Between by
Eliza Osborne

Soho Press Inc
212, pages 2000
ISBN 1569471800
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

Mattie Welsh might be every woman - sharing commonalties while soaring with unique eccentricities - mother, daughter, wife, sister, friend and stranger. When she gets the word that her parents have been in an automobile accident, she jumps in the car and embarks on a solitary road trip, filled with questions and emotions.

Uppermost in her mind as she speeds along the highway is the chaotic and troubled relationship she's shared with her mother since childhood. Suddenly, at a moment's notice, she's faced with the possibility that there will be no time to resolve the issues she's postponed and procrastinated about, always telling herself there'd be a better time. What were the last words she'd spoken to her mother? Were they harsh? Selfish? When was the last time she'd told her she loved her?

Along the way, Mattie feels compelled to pick up a pregnant hitchhiker, meets the mother of a gas station owner, and discovers a child sleeping in the back seat of her car after yet another pit stop. Each encounter provokes a new train of thought. While the book is filled with Mattie's actions, it is her response to the personalities that maintains the momentum.

Osborne has touched a universal chord in The Distance Between. Virtually anyone, but women in particular, will relate to the thoughts and feelings expressed and embodied in Mattie. The connection forged between author and reader is as likely to prompt laughter as tears. The Distance Between is a complex and contradictory work that is repelling and inviting, subtle and overwhelming. Mattie's story is born of truth, illustrated in fiction and elevated to be embraced as poignant reality.

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