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A Spy Within
A Spy Within by
Lynnette Baughman

Top Publications
343 pages, 1999
ISBN 0966636643
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

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Patrice Kelsey is a reporter for the Los Alamos Guardian. A visit to see Doyle Silver, who says he has important information about the "Last Man" project - five men who toasted each other by the light of the first atomic bomb - turns tragic. Patrice and her friend Rose Hulle are forced off the road and Rose is killed. The police want to call Rose’s death an accident – but Patrice is certain that there is something much more sinister in the works.

Questions go unanswered when Silver – believed to be one of the "Last Men" - is also killed. Who was Perseus, the spy who gave information to the Soviets about The Manhattan Project? Who killed Rose? Who killed Silver? And who is now tracking Patrice?

Baughman combines fact, fiction and fear into this engrossing novel that takes the reader on a thrill ride of espionage and murder. The characters are well drawn and interesting. And Patrice even finds love in the middle of the terror that surrounds her.

A SPY WITHIN is a well-written novel full of intriguing clues and breath-taking suspense. A very enjoyable way to spend a few hours.

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