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Blind Spot
Blind Spot by
Stephanie Kane
Bantam Books
321 pages, November 2000
ISBN 0553581759
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

Jackie Flowers is a criminal defense attorney in need of a high profile murder case to keep her practice intact. When she gets such a case, she’s reminded that you should be careful what you wish.

A wealthy woman was abducted from her home. Her head and body were discovered behind Coors Field. Aaron Best, a man who’d done some work for Jackie in the past, is arrested for the crime almost immediately. When Jackie gets the call, she feels pretty confident. They arrested him too quickly - the arrest doesn’t line up with the evidence she’s seen. But the more she investigates, the more concerned she becomes. It’s not just that some things don’t quite line up; it becomes rapidly apparent that something is very wrong. The spotlight she shines on the case, revealing a whole string of murders, may be leading a killer right to her own door.

Blind Spot is not easy to read and every word has impact. Skimming will cause the reader to miss subtleties that may seem unimportant at the time, but later become significant. Kane leaves no stone unturned in examining the mind of a psychopath. Her characters sometimes have a two dimensional display as the case takes center stage, but her handling of the courtroom procedure and the shocking ending are admirable. Taut and filled with suspense.

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