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Chandler's Daughter
Chandler's Daughter by
Truly Donovan

Write Way Publishing
232 pages, 2000
ISBN 1885173628
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

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Meet Lexy Connor, a plump, middle aged, single woman whose life revolves around her business, her dog Molly and her friends. Lexy's a likable sort - a little eccentric and unquestioningly loyal to those she cares about. A late night call from the daughter of an old friend provokes her protective instincts and has Lexy serving up advice alongside scrambled eggs. Tally is in trouble and needs her help.

Never one to disappoint a friend, Lexy is ready to go to work when she learns that someone is stalking Tally with the apparent intent to kill. All clues lead back to Tally's birth, so the two develop a plan to discover her birth parents' identities in hopes of solving the mystery. With just a high school friendship ring found in the secret compartment of a jewelry box that belonged to Tally's late adopted mother, Lexy hops a plane with Molly in tow and starts turning over a few rocks. Unfortunately, potential informants start turning up dead. All too soon, someone's after Lexy too.

Chandler's Daughter is one of the most delightful books I've read in a while. The cover and blurb led me to expect a grandmotherly-type cozy. What I found instead was non-stop action with a little reality thrown in and a highly satisfying conclusion. The violence and sex were minimal, taking place mostly off-scene. Not all situations were entirely believable, but they were entertaining and worked well within the frame of the plot. I won't hesitate to pick up the next book by Truly Donovan.

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