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- Mystery -
Final Venture
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Final Venture by
Michael Ridpath

Michael Joseph Publishers
356 pages, 2000
ISBN 0718143191

Reviewed by our South African Editor, Merilyn Tomkins - Adams Bookshop, Durban, SA

Michael Ridpath, author of the international bestsellers FREE TO TRADE and THE MARKETMAKER, is back with his most electrifying thriller ever. Simon Ayot, born in Britain into a titled family, the fast-rising star at Revere Partners, one of Boston's top venture capitalists, seems to have everything going his way. Newly married to Lisa, a beautiful biotech researcher, he's about to pull off his first major deal.

Simon is shocked and devastated when Frank Cook, senior partner at Revere and his father-in-law, kills the funding for his hot new Internet investment. However, his anger quickly turns to terror when a few days later, Frank is found dead at his remote beach house. And, as the police soon discover, Simon was one of the last people to see him alive. There is a hidden secret in a project on which Lisa is working, a possible cure for Alzheimer's patients which has dangerous side effects. People are dying and there is a major cover-up. Lisa confronts the head of the large conglomerate that bought out the biological research company she works for and is fired. The gun which killed her father is inexplicably found in their flat. Lisa leaves Frank and moves in with her brother, far away in California.

Simon's despair deepens as he tries to discover the truth and more people are killed. He is the next target and narrowly missed being shot at in the street. Ducking behind a car he tries in vain to discern the license plate in the dark. A thrilling read from Michael Ridpath, a rising star in the world of international bestsellers.

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