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Inner Passages
Inner Passages by
Carl Brookins
Top Publications
262 pages, June 2000
ISBN 1929976011
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

Seattle executive Michael Tanner, his wife Beth and her friend Alice, decide to take a leisurely sailing trip through the Inside Passage, a waterway along the western coast of British Columbia. Not long into their journey, they are surrounded by a thick and menacing fog. As Michael tries to steer their boat called the Queen Anne out of the fog and back to safety, a large white yacht mercilessly runs them down. Michael wakes up to find Alice’s lifeless body - and his beloved Beth gone.

Michael's life without Beth and his grief lead to excessive drinking; his career seems destined to die along with the love of his life. No one seems to believe the story of the killer yacht. Although many blame Michael for the accident, his business partners encourage him to search for the men who rammed the Queen Anne. Only one clue to the boat’s identity may help: the first three letters of the yacht's name – GOL. Helped by a woman he first suspects of being involved with the owners of the boat, Michael's search leads him to marinas, harbors and seedy sea-side bars, looking for clues leading to his wife’s murderers and to a way back to his own life.

The title of this novel not only refers to a body of water, but also to the personal journey Michael Tanner must make as he looks for a way out of the storm surrounding his interrupted life. Carl Brookins shows his well versed knowledge of sailing, while the plot and characterizations stay strong and inviting.
Inner Passages delivers a well written, satisfying story with unrelenting tension.

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