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Measure of Vengeance
Measure of Vengeance by
Jerry Jellison

Write Way Publishing
296 pages, 2000
ISBN 1885173725
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

Megan Roarke is an acquisitions editor for a struggling New York publishing company. With an office stacked high with manuscripts not suitable for publishing, she’s beginning to fear for her job. The unsolicited arrival of a strange black envelope on her desk gives her another reason to be afraid.

Inside, she finds the first chapter of a manuscript addressed to her attention. After reading just a few pages, Megan knows this is no ordinary manuscript. It reads like the diary of a serial killer with each detail spelled out in graphic description.

Another installment arrives each Friday, each as terrifying as the last. As the weeks go by, a troubling thought pierces Megan’s consciousness. What if the manuscript isn’t fiction? A news report about the discovery of a woman’s body in a nearby field increases her suspicions. Unsure how to proceed, Megan contacts the officer in charge and asks about a detail not released in the report. She's right. The author knows details not released by the police. Reluctant to reveal her identity, Megan forwards copies of the manuscript to the police. When the investigating officer receives an additional manuscript, he knows what Megan only suspects - Megan Roarke is the next targeted victim. Can he find her in time?

MEASURE OF VENGEANCE is a gripping tale with many redeeming qualities. In fact, it is the plot that shines here. The topic is refreshingly different and the story has sufficient surprises to keep readers guessing right to the end. Although engaging, the characters lack sufficient depth and are apt to inspire sympathy similar to a troubling news report, rather than concern for an old friend.

Jellison has penned one non-fiction book and this is his fiction debut. MEASURE OF VENGEANCE is an excellent first novel, and I will definitely be interested in Jellison’s second book.

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