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Risen by
Jan Strnad
347 pages, 2000
ISBN 0738820024
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

Meanwhile, not many miles away in the morgue of the Cooves County Hospital, John Duffy, whose jugular had been severed by his wife less than twelve hours before, bolted upright on the autopsy table and wondered what in the devil was going on. - Excerpt from Risen

Something strange is going on in Anderson. The dead don’t seem willing to stay dead. Brant Kettering, the editor of the Cooves County Times, can’t quite figure out what is going on. Is it a carefully orchestrated hoax, a religious experience, or has evil come to dwell in this small town? With the help of Peg Culler, a waitress at the local diner and her son Tom, he is determined to find out.

Peg’s daughter Annie lies in the local hospital on life support after an automobile accident that claimed the lives of her father and Peg’s ex-husband. Annie is more dead than alive. But death no longer has the final say. Could the town’s strange visitation work to return Annie to her mother’s arms? Resurrection begins sweeping through Anderson, and those who come back are not as they once were. As Brant, Peg, and Tom try to find out just who or what is behind the strange phenomenon, the newly "risen" begin to tighten the ring of terror around the rest of the town.

Jan Strnad has crafted a masterful thriller, closely in step with Stephen King and Dean Koontz - part mystery, part horror, and completely engrossing. Risen never left my hands from the time I opened the front cover until I relished the last page. If you enjoy a spine tingling tale that will make you check your doors before you get into bed, Risen will definitely fit the bill. Highly recommended.

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