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- Mystery -
The Sky Is Falling
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The Sky Is Falling by
Sidney Sheldon
Harper Collins
317 pages, 2000
ISBN 0007104359
Reviewed by our South African Editor, Merilyn Tomkins - Adams Bookshop, Durban, SA

Millions of Sidney Sheldon fans all over the world have been waiting for The Sky Is Falling. Like the previous sixteen novels, it is destined for a top place on bestseller lists everywhere.

This latest thriller contains all the elements of an impossible to put down novel: power, money, greed, lust, corruption - and a strong female central character. In this book the main character is Dana Evans, a TV anchorwoman from Washington DC. All her investigative instincts tell her that a brutal series of murders of a famous American family are linked - and she travels the world to prove it. The closer she comes to uncovering the truth the more she realizes her own life is in danger. However, she is not about to give up, though the hunter becomes the hunted.

Dana Evans had been sent to a war-torn part of the world. There she finds Kemel a little boy who has lost his arm from an exploding bomb. He has also lost his family through the bombing. Dana takes Kemel home to Washington and sets about the legal procedures to adopt him. Kemel is a troubled child, teased unmercilessly at school.

Forgetting her own problems, Dana sees that Kemel needs a new arm. She has friends in high places, and the surgery and the new arm are paid for in full. Dana is engaged to Jeff Stevens, a co-worker on her TV network. Jeff's ex-wife Rachel, is a famous model. She finds she has breast cancer and when Dana needs him the most, Jeff is at Rachel's side trying to help her through the crisis.

Gradually putting together clues and following leads to discover the truth behind the deaths of the entire Winthrop family, Dana finds herself in Moscow. She speaks to Commissar Sasha Shdanoff and his brother Boris. Sasha wants to defect and Dana tries to help him. However, the people she trusts are the traitors behind the conspiracy - and the so-called accidental deaths of the Winthrop family. Dana finds herself fleeing for her life, and at the same time worried about Kemel's safety.

As readers navigate the twists and turns of the plot, they will know they must anticipate the unexpected - Sidney Sheldon's hallmark. Readers won't be disappointed.

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