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The Switch
The Switch by
Sandra Brown
Warner Books
469 pages, August 2000
ISBN 0446527033
Reviewed by Phillip Tomasso III

Read our reviews of other novels by the same author:
The Alibi

Not many authors can manipulate a plot, twist it and pull it inside out the way best selling author Sandra Brown has done in her latest thriller.

The Switch centers on identical twins, Melina and Gillian. Melina, a carefree Business Escort, is scheduled to accompany NASA astronaut Christopher Hart to a charitable benefit event, but talks her sister into switching places with her, an act they have not performed since their childhood days. But unknown to Gillian, she is part of someone else’s greater religious plan. When an obedient follower sees her and reports to the cult leader that a "half-breed" has soiled her, the leader orders Gillian’s death.

The story churns on like a meat grinder as Melina and the astronaut race to find answers and avenge Gillian’s savage murder. Sandra Brown delivers an intriguing, well thought out mystery involving a warped religious conspiracy. Full of wit and suspense, romance and three-dimensional characters, The Switch is sure to keep you up at night.

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