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17 Lies That Are Holding You Back
17 Lies That Are Holding You Back
& The Truth That Will Set You Free
By Steve Chandler
Renaissance Books
236 Pages, April 2000
ISBN 1580631304
Reviewed by Bev Walton-Porter

Lies are insidious things. But lies to your own soul can be the most insidious lies of all - so asserts author Steve Chandler, whose previous book 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself was a bestseller and won 1997's Audio Book of the Year from King Features Syndicate.

Known as a corporate trainer and a public speaker as well as an author, Chandler provides readers with instructions and a guidebook on how to break the bonds of self-lies and deceit that shackle so many of us. Not only does the author provide a guidebook for bursting through the lies that bind us, but he also helps readers recognize that they, themselves, have held the keys to these locks for their entire lifetime.

Specifically, Chandler focuses on 17 lies that are the most crippling for the majority of the human population. From paralyzing beliefs such as "I'm a failure" to "It's who you know, not what you know", Chandler hurls symbolic bricks through these false glass doors of deceit and smashes them beyond recognition. Instead, the author contends that these hurtful myths we've fed to ourselves for so long hold us back from reaching our complete potential.

After tackling each lie head-on in the beginning of the book, Chandler uses his keen sense of humor and energetic words to substitute the lies with nuggets of truth, to aid the reader in plumbing his or her own depths of power. Readers discover that they control their own lives, and that they can find their soul's purpose by squelching wasteful, unproductive resentments and by remaining aware of the universal clues that materialize in their lives.

Chandler succeeds in delivering a sensible, common sense guide that will be applicable in every facet of your life - from work to relationships. As a bonus, thought-provoking quotations are sprinkled throughout the text in order to build a meditative foundation on which to place Chandler's suggestions. If you're searching for an excellent, understandable roadmap to personal discovery, this book shouldn't be missed.

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