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Great Books for Every Book Lover
Great Books for Every Book Lover by
Thomas Craughwell

Workman Publishing
704 pages, 1998
ISBN 157912045X
Reviewed by Madeline Mora-Summonte

There is nothing more enjoyable to me than roaming up and down library aisles of towering bookshelves or letting my fingers leisurely trail along the spines of books at new and used bookstores. There are times, however, when the possibilities seem overwhelming.

Most book lovers keep a wish list of books they'd like to read. The type of list can be made up of simple jottings on an index card, a notebook broken down into categories, or a computer file. However you keep your list, you'll want to have it handy when you read through
Great Books for Every Book Lover The subtitle - 2,002 Great Reading Suggestions for the Discriminating Bibliophile - says it all.

If you’d like to go back and read those classics you never got around to read, turn to the chapter entitled "Masterpieces You Might Have Missed" or, along the same vein, consult "British Classics" or "Shakespeare - In a Class By Himself". The "Beach Books" section gives suggestions for the best books to bring along as you soak up the sun, while "Thrillers" and "Page Turners" help promote self-induced insomnia. Looking for help in choosing books for young people? Try the chapters titled "Children's Classics" or "For Young Readers".

Each chapter provides brief summaries of the books within the category, the author's name, the publishing company, the date of publication and the availability in paperback or hardcover. In case you don't feel like browsing, you can go straight to the indexes of titles and authors in the back of the book and find what you're looking for there. Or, you may choose to do as I did – go page by page, jotting down titles I might never have thought to pick up on my own.

Great Books for Every Book Lover is a wonderful companion on trips to the library and the bookstore - an excellent way to add to your Books To Read list. I should know. After reading this book, I've added over fifty books to my already long, long list. Now, which should I read first?

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