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If I Am Nuts You’re Ignorant!
If I Am Nuts You’re Ignorant! by
Stella Heuer

Stella Heuer Publisher
131 pages, 1999
ISBN 0620253622

Reviewed by our South African Editor Merilyn Tomkins - Adams Bookshop, Durban, SA

This practical guide for stress and burnout is realistic and down to earth. From personal experience Stella writes both movingly and convincingly of the effects of stress in the home and in one's career.

Stella maintains the world is made up of 2% genius, 3% mentally retarded, about 20% professional and 80% ordinary "Joe Bloggs"! The chapters are set out clearly in point form with comical caricatures to illustrate the points made. There is even a list entitled "Your Bill of Rights". A popular subject in this day and age, Stella's book stands out with her refreshing easy-to-read chatty style and forthright honest approach to an increasingly common problem in these challenging times. This book is designed for YOU. It is a simply wonderful read, and for me personally, a joy to pick up at tea time and relax in a small oasis during a "fried brain" day.

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