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The Healing Sound of Music
The Healing Sound of Music
(With complimentary CD of harp & guitar music played by the authors)
By Kate & Richard Mucci
Findhorn Press (UK)
160 pages, September 2000
ISBN 1899171339
Reviewed by our UK Editor Rachel A Hyde

Music is said to sooth the savage beast in us. Through history (and prehistory), people have used it to heal, offered it up to gods, created harmony in the mind and entertained. In Chinese, part of the character for medicine is the same as the character for music that in turn is the same as the character for happiness. So how can this benefit modern society?

Authors Kate & Richard Mucci have put together an album (called Millennium) of their own music and enclosed it within this book. Also enclosed within the book are many ways in which music can help us. Music is vibration; positive and negative vibrations affect all living things from humans to rocks. It is this element that has the power to heal. Learn how music can benefit you and enhance your immune system, help with stress, depression and chronic pain, create an emotional release and find your own healing sounds.

If this all sounds a bit too New Age for you, consider the powerful and pervasive effect of music and how it has been a vital part of all cultures since the earliest times. Most people enjoy some form of music and associate it with positive events in their lives. This easy-to-follow primer explains how it can be of practical use too.
The Healing Sound of Music fascinated me although I am not particularly musical – prepare to be interested.

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