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The Glass Palace Chronicle
The Glass Palace Chronicle by
Patricia LeRoy
357 pages, 2000
ISBN 07493154X

Reviewed by our South African Editor, Merilyn Tomkins - Adams Bookshop, Durban, SA

From the celebrated author of THE ANGELS OF RUSSIA comes a sweeping historical romance.

Claudia is a bored young English woman living on the fringes of society. With no money, no job, and no ticket home, her decision to allow a complete stranger to pick her up in a Paris bar is not quite as foolish as it would appear. Altough Paul may be interested in her looks, it is only because Claudia's exotic part-Chinese bloodlines remind him so much of his dead sister, Caroline. Paul needs Claudia to travel with him to Burma as part of his cover. He offers her money in exchange for her companionship.

Travelling together, ostensibly as husband and wife, Paul and Claudia encounter a country where monks rub shoulders with opium traders, and warlords debate philosophy. With so many lies between them, Claudia can't help but wonder if Paul's quest to discover the truth about his sister's death is a cover for more sinister activities. A gripping and surprising page turner in an exotic setting.

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