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The Choice
The Choice by
Edith Layton
Robert Hale Publishers
256 pages, 2000
ISBN 0709066422
Reviewed by our UK Editor Rachel A Hyde

Gillian Giles looks like an ordinary young woman at first glance – a beautiful society lady and ward of a nobleman but otherwise just like every other young miss – but she has a secret. This renders her virtually unmarriageable but she is resigned to this and has a couple of rather dull but worthy suitors, one of which she has to choose. But a chance encounter with a rake at a party brings her to the notice of globetrotting Damon Ryder, one of the most eligible bachelors of the Season. He is attentive but Gilly has already given her heart elsewhere, and not to one of the dull suitors. Soon she has not one but three society catches all dangling after her – and which is she to choose?

Ms. Layton has created a delightful heroine in Gilly and a lovable and ever-patient hero in Damon to delight Regency fans. If you yearn for a story with no simpering misses or languid and arrogant Corinthians as protagonists then look no further. The background was London in the Season and this was sketched in more detail than some so even if this is the first Regency a reader has read there is enough to make it clear what it is all about. A sparkling and most enjoyable romance.

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