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Final Portrait
Final Portrait by
Kellie Sisson Snider
Writer’s Club Press, an imprint of
293 pages, 2000
ISBN 0595000452
Reviewed by Nancy Mehl

Everyone has a different story even when they walk under the same wet sky every day of their lives. Even when the same wickedness approaches them in the same dark mask, no two stories are ever the same. For everyone makes her story her own. Everyone interprets the plot in her own style, and decides whether to give the antagonist her heart or her fist, her peace or her fury. And how she interprets the story has everything to do with how her story will end.
- From Final Portrait

Kate Breaux is an artist in New Orleans.
Final Portrait chronicles the story behind a series of portraits that Kate creates during the tragic life of her childhood friend, Cassandra Dee Orgeron – a girl whose troubled existence is being painted with the colors of despair, cruelty and blood. Cassandra is born into a family who uses religion as a weapon of destruction.

Her very existence seems doomed from the start and spirals farther and farther out of control as Kate desperately tries to save her friend from her circumstances – and eventually from herself. Helen Boudreaux is the sister of Cassandra’s husband, Danny. At sixteen she is a lost child, a victim of incest, whose life has been stunted by fear and abuse. Kate takes her into her own home and tries to bring the kind of healing to Helen that she has never been able to deliver to Cassandra. Through the years, these three women will all walk down a dark road together, but in the end, each will seek her own path. Each will write her own story.

The picture left by
Final Portrait will be one that will stay in a reader’s mind and heart for a long, long time.

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