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Magazine Editors Talk to Writers
Magazine Editors Talk to Writers by
Judy Mandell
John Wiley & Sons
189 pages, 1996
ISBN 0471119911
Reviewed by
Nancy Duncan

For writers struggling to find the secret formula to selling magazine articles, Mandell takes the writer inside the world of magazine editors. It’s clear from the very first page that getting a foot in the door of an editor’s office is difficult and packed with tough competition. Based on interviews with a variety of magazine editors from Parade Magazine to Family Circle, this insider's guide spells out what editors are looking for, what makes a query letter stand out, and why they reject material.

Some standard fare exist within the pages such as don’t phone editors, don’t send sloppy manuscripts, study the targeted publication before sending a query, and how to beat the odds with a particular publication.

Mandell talks directly with over 40 editors to discover if there is a secret formula, and exposes what editors are looking for in submissions. Mandell breaks up the book into sections that can be read independently. From the slush pile to sending multiple queries and writing for the big high paying magazines, the author frankly discusses what is needed to become a successful freelancer for such magazines as Ladies Home Journal, Self, Field & Stream, and many others.

Magazine Editors Talk to Writers is an informative, revealing foray into an industry that often seems cloaked in mystery and rejections. Writers considering marketing magazine articles should read this book if they are in the business of writing for a living.

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