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The Well-Fed Writer by
Peter Bowerman
Fanove Publishing
282 pages, September 2000
ISBN 0967059844
Reviewed by PJ Nunn

Whether you’re concerned about how to self-publish your book or wondering if you have a chance to make freelance writing a full time career, this book is a great example of how to make it all happen.

The Well-Fed Writer begins almost like a letter from an old and enthusiastic friend. The conversational tone is pleasant and the information easy to absorb. The introduction offers examples and anecdotes most writers can relate to, and leads to a discussion of dreams in Chapter One – titled "An Enviable Lifestyle." Bowerman holds nothing back and gets right down to the nuts and bolts, or in some cases, the dollars and cents. It’s a practical examination of what the average writer should expect.

The author then goes on to address at length the obstacles and avenues to becoming a freelance commercial writer, following that information with a chapter about achieving success. He’s not afraid to offer entertaining examples from personal experience about how not to succeed, too.

The book flows neatly from one topic to the next and addresses virtually everything pertinent to being self employed - including setting up your business, legalities, getting started, effective marketing, how to handle clients and more. The chapter on fees is a little light, but it’s difficult to quote actual figures since fees will vary greatly depending on the part of the country you’re in. Nevertheless, this part adequately provides a rule of thumb to start with.

Especially helpful is the appendix with writing samples and interviews with writers including "Work at Home" Moms. The Well-Fed Writer is a delightful resource for anyone considering or perhaps floundering in a part or full time writing career. Definitely worth reading.

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