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Invitation to ContributorsWe welcome contributions on gambling and gambling-related issues. Please note that submitted manuscripts are limited to 5000 words in length, not including a 150 word abstract and references. (For First Person Accounts and Reviews please see below.) Prospective authors should always read the last issue of EJGI for the latest version of Invitation to Contributors. We encourage electronic submission and accept mail submissions, but cannot accept fax submissions. For details, please see the submission process below. All authors whose manuscripts are accepted will receive a standard legal form to complete, sign and return by mail.
The Review ProcessAll submitted manuscripts (except Reviews ) are reviewed anonymously by at least two people. Each reviewer will have expertise in the study of gambling and will assess and evaluate according to the criteria listed below. The editor will mediate their assessments and make the final decisions. Submissions are either
Authors will receive an e-mail copy of their manuscript before publication, and must answer all queries and carefully check all editorial changes. Please note that there will be a deadline for a response to queries and no corrections can be made after that date. Authors are responsible for the specific content of their manuscripts. |
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Feature articlesThe editorial board will make specific invitations to chosen authors. All submissions will be peer-reviewed in confidence by at least two reviewers for their scientific merit and/or contribution to public debate in the field of gambling studies. All submissions will be mediated by the editor.
ResearchWe invite researchers to submit manuscripts that report new findings on gambling. All submissions will be peer-reviewed in confidence by at least two reviewers for their scientific merit, and mediated by the editor.
PolicyWe invite manuscripts that examine policy issues involving gambling. All submissions will be peer-reviewed in confidence by at least two reviewers and mediated by the editor. The editor will evaluate how successful the author is in exploring how gambling affects public life and policy, historically and currently.
ClinicAll submissions will be peer-reviewed in confidence by at least two clinicians and mediated by the editor for their soundness and value to practicing clinicians.
First Person AccountsThese narratives will show how gambling affects the author and others (perhaps as family, friends, gambling staff, or clinicians). Submissions will be reviewed in confidence by at least two reviewers and mediated by the editor. The editor will evaluate how successful the author is in making gambling issues come alive to the readers. First Person Accounts do not need abstracts or references.
ReviewsReviewed by the editor, these brief summaries and discussions will evaluate gambling-related books, videos, Web sites and other media in 1,000 words or less. Reviews should have references if cited, but do not need abstracts.
Letters to the EditorWe invite our readers to submit letters on gambling topics. Please note that we can publish only a fraction of the letters submitted. All letters must be signed. We cannot publish anonymous letters, or those of a libellous nature. Letters to the Editor are reviewed and chosen by the editor and members of the editorial board. Letters may be sent by e-mail or to the mail address given below. Once a letter is accepted, we will request an electronic version. Each published letter will include the writer's first and last names, professional title(s) if relevant, city, province or state, and country. Alternatively, for good cause, the editor may confirm a letter's authorship and publish it as 'Name withheld on request.' We reserve the right to edit each submission for readability, uniform format, grammar and punctuation.
Submission ProcessWe accept submissions in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect (PC) or ASCII formats. We regret that we cannot accept Macintosh-formatted media. Communications can be sent electronically to (Phil_Lange@camh.net) to the editor for review. We will take all possible care with submissions. Neither the editor nor the Web site managers accept the responsibility for the views and statements expressed by authors in their communications. Authors opting to submit hard copies should mail four copies to the address below and ensure that the guidelines are followed. If possible, an e-mail address should accompany mail submissions.
Manuscripts and AbstractsManuscripts should be word processed in Times New Roman 12-point typeface, and should be formatted with 1.25 inch margins on all four sides. Do not use a font size smaller than 10 anywhere in the manuscript. The first page should be a title page and contain the title of the manuscript, the names and affiliations of the authors, their addresses and e-mail addresses. The second page should only have the manuscript title and the abstract; this is for the purpose of anonymity. This abstract (of 150 words or less) should describe what was done, what was found and what was concluded. List up to eight key words at the bottom of the abstract page. Minimally, an abstract should be structured and titled with objective, methods or design, sample, results and conclusion. The structured abstract format is acceptable, but not required.
ReferencesThese should be placed at the end of each manuscript (not as footnotes on each page) and should be cited consecutively in the author/date system (e.g., author(s), year). Ultimate responsibility for accuracy of citations rests with the authors(s). Do not use italics, underlining or tabs in the references; EJGI will address these issues in the editing process. Please see the latest issue of EJGI for our referencing format. Examples: Books Lesieur, H.R. (1984). The Chase: The Compulsive Gambler. (2nd ed.). Rochester, VT: Schenkman Books, Inc. Book chapters Shaffer, H.J. (1989). Conceptual crises in the addictions: The role of models in the field of compulsive gambling. In H.J. Shaffer, S.A. Sein, B. Gambino & T.N. Cummings (Eds.), Compulsive Gambling: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp.3-33). Lexington, MA: Lexington. Journal articles Gupta, R., & Derevensky, J. (1997). Adolescent gambling behavior: A prevalence study and examination of the correlates associated with problem gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies, 14 (4), 319-345. Miscellaneous articles, including government publications Ontario Ministry of Health. Schedule of Benefits, Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Kingston, Ontario: Ontario Ministry of Health; April 1987. Papers presented at a conference, meeting or symposium presentation Ganzer, H. (1999, June). A seven session group for couples. Paper presented at the 1999 13th National Conference on Problem Gambling, Detroit, MI. Signed newspaper article Brehl, R. (1995, June 22). Internet casino seen as big risk. The Toronto Star, pp. D1, D3. If the article is unsigned or the author's name is unavailable, begin with the title: Man gambled crime returns at casino. (1996, February 9). The Christchurch Press, pp.32. Electronic source Brown, S., & Coventry, L. (1997, August). Queen of Hearts: The Needs of Women with Gambling Problems, (Internet). Financial and Consumer Rights Council. Available: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~fcrc/research/queen.htm.
TablesWhen submitting tables within the text, indicate the approximate position of each table with two hard returns and dotted lines above and below each location, as illustrated here.
Table 1 about here
Please submit your manuscript with the tables after the references.
Graphs and IllustrationsAuthors whose manuscripts include graphs or illustrations should communicate with the editor regarding submission formats and standards.
AbbreviationsWell-known abbreviations (e.g., DNA, EKG) may be used without definition; all others must be defined when first used. Except in First Person Accounts, measurements should be stated first in metric units and, if desired, then using British, American or other local equivalents in parentheses. For example, "The two casinos are 10 km (6 miles) apart." However for First Person Accounts authors may use whatever measurements they prefer. Other units of measurement should be used in accordance with current custom and acceptability. Generic names of drugs are preferred; a proprietary name may be used if its generic equivalent is identified. |
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Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
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This page was last updated on Monday, February 11, 2002