
From the Editor
second issue of the Electronic Journal of Gambling Issues (EJGI)
offers new insights into a range of gambling topics. The Feature article
describes why gambling becomes a problem for some youth, the Research article
uncovers the mysteries of randomness and how we often misunderstand it,
and the Clinic article explains how attention-deficit hyperactive disorder
can be involved in problem gambling. The First Person Accounts section presents
a lively rant on e-trading as gambling and the Review section features an
informative video on problem gambling. Please check the Letter to the Editor
and the Calendar. If you missed the first issue you can access it through
the Archive. We hope you find this issue interesting and that you tell your
friends and colleagues about EJGI.
you would like to receive a live-link to each future issue of the EJGI,
please go to the bottom of any article and click on "Subscribe to
our automated announcement list." You'll receive an email message
with a live link to every new issue.
this early stage in the life of the EJGI, it seems like the right
time to thank everyone who helped begin this e-journal. Geoff Noonan,
now with the Canadian Foundation for Compulsive Gambling (Ontario), was
a strong presence in the beginning and so were Andrew Johnson, Nina Littman-Sharp,
Robert Murray, Wayne Skinner, Tony Toneatto and Nigel Turner. We thank
Mara Korkola and Alan Tang for their expertise in creating an attractive
and smooth functioning Web site.
excited about these first few issues – and we’re still growing.
We’d appreciate your feedback on what you would like to read. We're
also pleased to include our first official link to a related Web site
- the Youth Gambling Research & Treatment Clinic (McGill University,
Montreal, Canada) at http://www.education.mcgill.ca/gambling:
Here you'll find useful information, a self-quiz, treatment and research
updates and FAQs. Our plan is to create an entire section for useful and
relevant links in the very near future.
- Phil Lange
Statement of Purpose
The Electronic Journal of
Gambling Issues (EJGI) offers an Internet-based forum for developments
in gambling-related research, policy and treatment as well as personal
accounts about gambling and gambling behaviour. Through publishing peer-reviewed
articles about gambling as a social phenomenon and the prevention and
treatment of gambling problems, it is our aim is to help make sense of
how gambling affects us all.
EJGI is published by the Centre
for Addiction and Mental Health and
is fully funded by the Ontario Substance Abuse Bureau of the Ministry
of Health and Long-Term Care. We welcome manuscripts from researchers
and clinicians, people involved in gambling as players, and family and
friends of gamblers.
- Editor
- Phil
- Editorial Board
- Andrew Johnson,
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health,
Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Nina Littman-Sharp, Centre for Addiction
and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Robert Murray, Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Wayne Skinner, Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Tony Toneatto, Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Nigel Turner, Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Reviewers
- Peter Adams, Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioural
Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, NZL
- Alex Blaszczynski,
Impulse Control Research Clinic, School of Psychiatry, University of
New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, AUS
- Gerry Cooper, Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health, Sudbury, Ontario, CAN
- Jeff Derevensky, Youth Gambling Research
& Treatment Clinic, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology,
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, CAN
- Pat Erickson, Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Jackie Ferris, Ferris Research, Toronto,
Ontario, CAN
- Ron Frisch, Problem Gambling Research Group,
Department of Psychology, University of Windsor, Ontario, CAN
- Rina Gupta, Youth
Gambling Research & Treatment Clinic, Department of Educational
and Counselling Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, CAN
- Len Henrickson, Faculty
of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia,
British Columbia, CAN
- Roger Horbay, Game Planit Interactive Corp.,
Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- David Korn, Dept.
of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
- Igor Kusyszyn, Dept. of Psychology, York
University, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Robert Ladouceur, École de Psychologie,
Université Laval, Laval, Quebec, CAN
- Samuel Law, Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia
University, New York, New York, USA
- Geoff Noonan, Canadian Foundation on Compulsive
Gambling (Ontario), Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Alan Ogborne, Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- María Prieto, Dept. of Psychological
Intervention, University P. Comillas, Madrid, ESP
- Robin Room, Centre for Social Research on
Alcohol and Drugs, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, SWE
- Lisa Root, The Niagara Alcohol and Drug
Assessment Service, St. Catherines, Ontario, CAN
- Randy Stinchfield, University of Minnesota
Medical School, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
- William Thompson, Department of Public Administration,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada USA
- Rachel Volberg, Gemini Research, Ltd., Northampton,
Massachusetts, USA
- Keith Whyte, National Council on Problem
Gambling, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- Harold Wynne, Wynne Resources Ltd., Edmonton,
Alberta, CAN
- Martin Zack, Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Design Staff
- Graphic Designer: Mara Korkola, Centre
for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- HTML Markup: Alan Tang, Centre
for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, CAN
- Copyeditors
- Kelly Lamorie and Megan MacDonald,
double space Editorial Services,
Toronto, Ontario, CAN