Master of Arts Integrated Studies
Call For Papers
The Future of Sociology and the First Ever Printed Copy of the Electronic Journal of Sociology
Sociological Perspectives in the Arab World
Tier One | Tier Two | Tier Three
Tier One - Refereed
Elhum Haghighat - A Comparative Analysis of Neopatriarchy and Female Labor Force Participation in Islamic Countries
Feng-Bing - Understanding the Cultural Narratives of the Migrant Chinese Mainlanders Living in Northern Ireland
Evelyn Kallen - Kevorkian & Morgentaler: Doctors of Death or Angels of Mercy ? A Human Rights Perspective
Volker Bornschier and Thomas Volken - Trust and the Disposition to Change in Cross-National Perspective: A Research Note
Ali Modarres & Greg Andranovich - Left Behind by the Market: Investigating the Social Structure of American Poverty
Peter Morrell - Book Review - Science in Society: An Introduction to Social Studies of Science
Osher Doctorow - Two New Tools for Mathematical Sociology with Applications
Danielle Soulliere - Masculinity on Display in the Squared Circle: Constructing Masculinity in Professional Wrestling
Eric Reed & Gregory C. Wolniak- Diagnosis or Determination? Assessment Explained through Human Capital Theory and the Concept of Aptitudes
Geoffery Moss - Cultural Capital and Graduate Student Achievement
Btihaj Ajana - Disembodiment and Cyberspace
Melissa Smith, Philip Smith - The Problem of Drug Prohibition for Drug Users
Tier Two - Editorial Review
Boni Robertson, Catherine M. Demosthenous, Hellene T. Demosthenous & David W. Soole - On the Contemporary Position of Indigenous Peoples of Australia
Milan Zafirovski - Social Exchange Theory under Scrutiny: A Positive Critique of its Economic-Behaviorist Formulations
Leo Semashko - Children's Suffrage as a Key Way of Improvement of Children's Well-being in an Age of Globalization
Monica Brasted - Through the looking glass: Class and Reality in Television
Penelope Scott - Undocumented Migrants In Germany And Britain: The Human Rights And Wrongs Regarding Access to Health Care
Milind Deogaonkar - Socio-economic inequality and its effect on healthcare delivery in India
Tier Three - Editorial Review
John Glass - Visceral Verstehen
Eric Lambert, Daniel Hall, Alan Clarke, Lois A. Ventura & O. Oko Elechi - The War on Terrorism: The Views of Criminal Justice and Non-Criminal Justice Majors on Terrorism and the Punishment of Terrorists
Armado Rodriguez - Keepers Of The Stories
Michael Sosteric - Editorial - Welcome to the New EJS
Augusto De Venanzi - Discursive and Social Practices in the Construction of Exclusion: A Comparative Study
Catherine Simpson Bueker - The Personal is Political: The Relationship between Marital Status and Immigrant Political Incorporation
Bruce Burnett - Resistance in Education: Japanese and Western Theoretical sites 1948-1980
Kristin Natalier - Avoiding the Housework: Domestic Labour and Gender in Group Living Contexts
Max Koch - Closure Theory and Citizenship: The Northern Ireland Experience
Eric G. Lambert, Nancy Lynne Hogan and Shannon M. Barton - Collegiate Academic Dishonesty Revisited: What Have They Done, How Often Have They Done It, Who Does It, And Why Did They Do It?
Brad West - Synergies in Deviance: Revisiting the Positive Deviance Debate
Number 3 (November 03)
Fran M. Collyer - Theorising Privatisation: Policy, Network Analysis, and Class
David Crawford - Becoming a Man - The Views and Experiences of Some Second Generation Australian Males
Number 2 (July 03)
Jessie L. Krienert - Masculinity and Crime: A Quantitative Exploration of Messerschmidt’s Hypothesis
Milan Zafirovski - Human Rational Behavior and Economic Rationality
Jason L. Powell and Simon Biggs - Foucauldian Gerontology: A Methodology for Understanding Aging
Number 1 (April 03)
Neil J. MacKinnon, Jeffery D. Molson and J. Douglas May - Physician Interventions in the Dying Process: A Causal Model of Physician Attitudes and the Subjective Likelihood of Engaging in Active Euthanasia, Physician-Assisted Suicide, and Withholding Treatment to Terminally-Ill Patients
Almudena Moreno Mìnguez - The Late Emancipation of Spanish Youth: Keys For Understanding
Volume 6
Number Four (October 02)
René Levy, Eric Widmer and Jean Kellerhals - Modern family or modernized family traditionalism?: Master status and the gender order in Switzerland
Thomas Volken - Elements of Trust: The Cultural Dimension of Internet Diffusion Revisited
Number Three (August 02)
Foreword from the Editor: Special Issue on Affect Control Theory
Lisa Rashotte - Incorporating Nonverbal Behaviors into Affect Control Theory
Tara M. Dunphy and Neil J. MacKinnon - A Proposal for Integrating Folklore and Affect Control
Will Kalkhoff - Deliquency and Violence as Affect-Control: Reviving the Subcultrural Approach in Ciminology
Herman W. Smith, Shuuichirou Ike, and Ying Li - Project Magellan Redux: Problems and Solutions with Collecting Cross-cultural Affective Meanings Via the Internet
Andreas Schneider - Probing Unknown Cultures
Number Two (July 02)
Frank Kleemann and Ingo Matuschek - Between Job and Satisfaction: Motivations and Career Orientations of German "High Quality" Call Center Employees
Phillip Vannini and Scott M. Myers - Crazy About You : Reflections on the Meanings of Contemporary Teen Pop Music
Number One (April 02)
Yuliang Liu - What Does Research Say about the Nature of Computer-mediated Communication: Task-Oriented, Social-Emotion-Oriented, or Both?
Jason Powell and M. Edwards - Policy Narratives of Aging: The Right Way, the Third Way or the Wrong Way?
Herb Thompson - Cyberspace and Learning
Volume Five
Number Four (October 01)
Loet Leydesdorff & Henry Etzkowitz - The Transformation Of University-industry-government Relations
Number Three (March 01)
Al Bellamy, Cheryl Hanewicz - An Exploratory Analyses Of The Social Nature Of Internet Addiction: A Research Paper Submitted To The Electronic Journal Of Sociology
Norman Dubeski - Durkheim's Altruism As The Source Of His Social Holism: A Discussion Of The Viability Of A Social Basis For Moral Principles
David R. Heise - Project Magellan: Collecting Cross-cultural Affective Meanings Via The Internet
Kathleen Korgen, Patricia Odell & Phyllis Schumacher - Internet Use Among College Students: Are There Differences By Race/ethnicity?
Number Two (May 00)
Linda A. Mooney & Kevin R. Ousley - Homelessness In A Small Southern City
William Cummings - Interdisciplinary Social Science [HTML | PDF]
Number One (April 00)
G. Coates - Experiencing Performance Appraisal in a Trust Hospital
John Garrick and Robin Usher - Flexible Learning, Contemporary Work And Enterprising Selves
Emanuel Smikun - Timeless Moral Imperatives in Causal Analysis of Social Functioning
Herman W Smith and Takako Nomi - Is Amae the Key to Understanding Japanese Culture?
Volume Four
Number Three (Aug 1999)
Nadejda Stahovski - On Structural and Functional Status of Culture in the Social System
Reinald Döbel - Power and Powerlessness in the Global Village: Stepping into the "Information Society" as a "Revolution From Above."
Mark P. Worrell - The Veil of Piacular Subjectivity: Buchananism and the New World Order
François Larose, et. al - Information and Communication Technologies in University Teaching and in Teacher Education: Journey in a Major Québec University's Reality
Number Two (April 1999)
An Interactive Poll - Science and Emotion
Joseph D. Diaz - Blood Money: Life, Death, and Plasma on the Las Vegas Strip
Andreas Schneider - Emergent Clusters of Denotative Meaning
Roberto Rodriguez Gomez and Mike Sosteric - Higher Education in Transition: An Agenda for Discussion
Number One (January 1999)
David Locher - Unacknowledged Roots and Blatant Imitation: Postmodernism and the Dada Movement
Mike Sosteric - The EJS and SGML Production: A New Era in Scholarly Communication
Alexander Thomas - Untowning Harwick: Restructuring a Rural Town
Al Bellamy and Cheryl Hanewicz - Social Psychological Dimensions of Electronic Communication
Volume Three
Number Four (August, 1998)
Timothy McGettigan - Redefining Reality: Epiphany as a Standard of Postmodern Truth
Oz Almog - The Problem of Social Type: A Review
Linda A. Mooney and Sarah C. Brabant - Off the Rack: Store Bought Emotions and the Presentation of Self
Alexander R. Thomas - Ronald Reagan and the Commitment of the Mentally Ill: Capital, Interest Groups, and the Eclipse of Social Policy
Number Three (April, 1998 (Special Issue))
Peter Roberts - Rereading Lyotard: Knowledge, Commodification and Higher Education
David Beckett - Disembodied Learning: How Flexible Delivery Shoots Higher Education In The Foot: Well, Sort Of
Janet Atkinson-Grosjean - Illusions of Excellence and the Selling of the University: A Micro- Study
Mike Sosteric, Gina Ratkovic and Mike Gismondi - The University, Accountability, and Market Discipline in the Late 1990s
T.A. Callister and Nicholas C. Burbules - Paying the Piper: The Educational Cost of the Commercialization of the Internet
Number Two (December, 1997)
Evelyn Kallen FRSC - Hate on the Net]
Crystal Hepburn & Ronald Hinch - Researching Serial Murder: Methodological and Definitional Problems
Number One (September, 1997)
Thomas J. Scheff & Suzanne M. Retzinger - Shame, Anger, and the Social Bond: A Theory of Sexual Offenders and Treatment
John Sandlos - Purple Loosestrife and the "Bounding" of Nature in North American Wetlands
Michael D. Mehta - The Public and the Re-licensing of Nuclear Facilities in Canada: The 'Risk Society' in Action
Denna Harmon & Scot B. Boeringer - A Content Analysis of Internet-Accessible Written Pornographic Depictions
Volume Two
Number Three (March, 1997)
Michelle Proulx and Brian Campbell - The Professional Practices of Faculty and the Diffusion of Computer Technologies in University Teaching
Juan M. Delgado-Moreira - Cultural Citizenship and the Creation of European Identity
James Curry - The Dialectic of Knowledge-in-Production: Value Creation in Late Capitalism and the Rise of Knowledge-Centered Production
Number Two (November, 1996)
Steve Mainprize - Elective Affinities in the Engineering of Social Control: The Evolution of Electronic Monitoring
Mike Sosteric - Electronic Journals: The Grand Information Future?
Fran Collyer - Frankenstein Meets The Invisible Man: Science, Medicine and a Theory of Invention
Number One (January, 1996)
EDITORIAL - A Response To Sociological Research Online. The Rigour of Peer Review and Other Myths of Science
Greg Smith: Gender Advertisements Revisited: A Visual Sociology Classic?
Rich Ling: Cyber McCarthyism: Witch Hunts in the Living Room
Volume One
Number Three (August, 1995)
Carl Cuneo - The Withering of Trade Union Patriarchy
**Windows Multimedia Version**
Bradley Nash - Sociology Resources on the Internet
Number Two (March, 1995)
Nicholas J. Fox - Intertextuality and the Writing of Social Research
Carl H.A. Dassbach - Comment on Fox
Number One (September, 1994)
Carl H.A. Dassbach - Where is North American Automobile Production Headed: Low-Wage Lean Production
Mauri P. Collins and Zane L. Berge - Professional and Technical Moonlighters