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Master of Arts Integrated Studies


The Electronic Journal of Sociology (EJS) is an international online refereed journal published on the Internet in both html and ascii formats. The EJS is now accepting manuscripts for consideration. Our online review produces very fast turn around in decisions and publication. We pride ourselves in an open, transparent, and democratic review procedure. Being freely available on the Internet, authors are assured that their works have a global audience. Anyone with a computer, modem and internet access can read or download articles and notes published in the EJS.

The Electronic Journal of Sociology is published in three tiers.

  1. Tier one is the traditional refereed tier for the publication of original scholarly research. This tier encompasses the broad range from macro works comparing societies and cultures to theoretically insightful micro case studies and accepts submissions from a wide range of theoretical traditions and methodological approaches.
  2. Tier Two is for editorially reviewed articles designed to bring sociology and sociological knowledge to a wider audience, to the general public, to those outside of sociology. Articles written for this tier are written to communicate knowledge to a wider audience, and can include, for example, summaries of a sociological topic, an explanation of how sociological knowledge or research may apply to an issue of today's society today, etc.
  3. Tier Three is the editorially reviewed tier for the publication of controversial topics of interest. Topics appropriate for Tier Three include papers on spirituality, entheogens, structures of consciousness, and other topics normally considered outside of the mainstream of scientific respectability. This third tier is not to be used to publish politically suspect (i.e., racist, sexist) or politically biased research.

Although Tier Two and Three are subject to editorial review only, the same standards of empirical and argumentative rigor are expected as are to be found in Tier One.

Authors should follow the EJS style guidelines when submitting papers for consideration. Authors do not need to concern themselves over the translation from plain text to hypertext. However, if you wish, you may explore a hypertext/hypermedia presentation.

EJS will consider publishing letters to the editor. Generally, letters should address an article published in the previous three months. Letters may be edited for style, clarity or to reduce space. Letters could include one or two sentences about the article being addressed, and should be limited to a discussion of the content of the article. Letters should be limited to 500 words. If the letter is published, a response from the author of the article being discussed may also be published in the same issue. Letters should also follow the EJS style guidelines.

Submissions can be sent directly over the Internet as email attachments.

Send Tier One articles to Dr. Mike Sosteric

Send Tier Two and Tier Three articles to Dr. Michael Sosteric