Dolphin Paintings

by Atmara Rebecca Cloe

Dolphin Island
Dolphin Island--Dolphin Island began as in experiment in Bryce 2 to see if I could create an island that looked as if it were made of crystal, using a water texture for the island. This done, I added a model of a dolphin. He looked lonely so I added a few more! The light burst in the sky was added in Photoshop. Voila! My first dolphin picture.

Dolphin Crystal

Dolphin Crystal--Exploring the theme of dolphins, I decided to create an underwater scene. Using a large haze setting in the sky pallet (in Bryce) and a gel effect on lights positioned under the water surface created the underwater lighting effect. The crystals were added later in Photoshop.

Dolphin Temple

Dolphin Temple--The techniques used in Dolphin Crystal were carried over here with the addition of a temple model. The bubble of light was added in Photoshop.

Dolphin Play

Dolphin Play--The technique used to create the "half-in, half-out of the water" effect involves placing the camera (in Bryce) at water level, inside a box. The box is given a negative attribute so that it "cuts away" the water around it. It took a number of tries to get the effect I was after, but I like the results. By the time this was created I had found several new dolphin models which allowed me to create a more varied look in poses and character of the dolphins.

Other dolphin pictures created by Atmara can be seen on the sites of The Virtual Dolphin Project ( and The Dolphin Circle ( A complete gallery of her work can be seen on the New World Creations' site (

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Page created by Dave A. Law
Last update: June 7, 1998