
This issue:

The we feel fortunate to be publishing the following creators.  Click the person's name to read what they have to say about themselves and send them an e-mail with your comments.  If you would like to make any comments directly to the publication please e-mail:

First Words
by Dave A. Law
Still Life With Humans: by Terry McElroy
      Sock Hell
      Salt Water In My Veins
Whale Watcher Notes: by June Woodward
      Devilfish or Devilwhalers In Baja?
      Baja's wondrous gray whales, the "Friendlies"

Short Stories
The Fattest Prom Queen
by Patricia Fish
Tiger! Tiger!
by Joy Reid

Window Seat
by William C. Burns, Jr.
Our Fathers' Commandment
by Richard Fein
by Steven J. Gerhardt

Japan and the Yakuza
by Rolf Boone

Art Gallery
Dolphin Paintings
by Atmara Rebecca Cloe

Photo Gallery
Inner City Gallery by Jeffrey Nutkowitz

Rolf Boone  (Send comments here)

Article:  Japan and the Yakuza
I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon, am 29 years old, and a graduate of The Evergreen State College. After struggling for two years in the film industry, I made my way to Japan, and have been here for the past five years, writing and teaching. In that time, I have spent most of it in the Fukuoka and Hiroshima areas.

In March, an article of mine appeared in both the print and online versions of Kansai Time Out. Whether or not it is still there I'm not sure, but it may have been archived.

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William C. Burns, Jr.  (Send comments here)

Poetry:  Window Seat

William C. Burns, Jr. (Millennium Artist) phased into existence in Washington DC circa early 1950's putting him on the trailing edge to the beautiful people of the late sixties. Bill is a strange confluence of degreed Electrical and Biomedical Engineer, graphic artist, actor, playwright, poet, father and husband, but his first love is poetry (OK, the kids are more important than poetry, but it runs a close second).

"I am calling for a balance between Art and Engineering, Rhyme and Reason, Yin and Yang. Other than that I like to hike, do set design and act in plays (currently in _Two Gentlemen of Verona_) and drive on the Blueridge Parkway."
William's poetry can be found at these various places
ad infinitum - Nov 96 - To Sleep in the Sun
Circuit Traces 1.4: September-October 1995
Eccentricity - Winter 97 - Man of Straw -
Gravity 07 - William Burns, Four Poems
Highbeams Fall 96 - Son of the Maple Tree
Moonshade - burnspoem.html
Paranormal Parlor at Odd's End-For the Love of Virginia
Primordial Muck: Poetry - Fatal Embrace
RAISING CAIN : winter97/poetry 13 poems
Slumgullion Spotlight

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Atmara Rebecca Cloe  (Send comments here)

Artwork:  Dolphin Paintings

Atmara began her journey into digital art several years ago by taking a few computer courses at a graphic design school. Since that time she been self taught, learning new programs and expanding her talents into this new medium. Most of her images begin in Metacreation's Bryce 2, then are taken to Adobe Photoshop for compositing and special effects. She also uses Adobe Illustrator, Metacreation's Infini-D, Poser and Painter. Atmara lives in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire where she is constantly inspired by the beauty around her.
Other dolphin pictures created by Atmara can be seen on the sites of The Virtual Dolphin Project and The Dolphin Circle. A complete gallery of her work can be seen on the New World Creations' site.

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Richard Fien  (Send comments here)

Poetry:  Our Father's Commandment

I have been published in many print and e-zine journals. Some of them are: Mississippi review,, Poet's Edge, ELF: Eclectic Literary Forum Licking River Review, Musing. Talus and Scree, Comstock review, Whiskey Island Review State Street Review, Caveat Lector, Luna Negra, Sunstone, REED, The Rockford Review Oregon East Birmingham Poetry Review, Zuzu's Petals, Touchstone, Windsor Review, Maverick, Sonoma Mandala Literary Review, and others.

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Patricia Fish  (Send comments here)

Short Story:  The Fattest Prom Queen

Pat Fish wore flowers in her hair in the tumultuous sixties, but chooses to grow them in her garden in her more sober middle years. Her writing genre includes humor, mystery, gardens, birds and animals. She has written four novels, all currently being marketed. After a 20 year career in accounting, Pat resigned from her job in March of 1996 and has been writing since.

Print publication:-
  • Birds and Blooms:(Dec/Jan-1996) "What's Your Favorite Bird?"
  • Reader's Digest-April 97-Filler: "Owning a pet is the best thing about being human. No other animal takes a completely different species into its home, providing food and shelter, for the pure pleasure of its company."
  • Belletrist Fiction Literary Review(Oct. 97)-won first place with fiction short story-"My Five Unicorns"
  • Whispers and Shouts, literary magazine-(Sept. 1997_ "You Gave Me a Bowl of Dried Tears".
  • "Kitchen Kapers"-monthly column in "Culinary Sleuth" cooking zine.
  • "Champion Chickadee"-Birder's World-June 1998
Internet Links:
Observations from the Feeder at the EWG Webzine A Pocketful of Musings at Sunshine Street Sketches:

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Steven Gerhardt  (Send comments here)

Poetry:  War

Steven is a video editor / graphic artist who has just recently taken up writing. Born in Colorado he has moved all around the country finally settling in California. As a writer his work deals in the dark and disturbing thoughts we all have. Mostly in hopes to invoke emotion in the reader. Unknown on a national level he has enjoyed some success in local markets.

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Dave A. Law  (Send comments here)

Publisher/Columnist:  First Words

Dave A. Law is a professional writer and editor with ten years of experience  writing and editing short stories, poetry, magazine articles, and comic books.  Currently, besides publishing "Images: dma" Dave is currently putting together a collection of his work, Whispers in the Wind
, to be published by Proving Grounds later this year.

Web Site:  DEGA Studios

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Terry McElroy  (Send comments here)

Columnist:  Still Life with Humans

Terry McElroy writes a regular column called "Still Life With Humans." He is the writer and publisher of Twin Capes Review, a biweekly e-mail newsletter that explores the strangeness of everyday life.
He's also a staff writer at SubBrilliant News, and has been recently published in Dream Forge, American Tanka, Fallen Angel, and The Thinker. In real life, Terry is a policy writer for the U.S. Government.


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Jeffrey Nutkowitz  (Send comments here)

Photography:  Inner City Photos

I have been involved in photography on one level or another for the better part of over 30 years. I first became seriously interested in it in 1972, when I got my first 35mm camera. I received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Photography, in 1982 from Penn State University. After working in a lab for a few years, my interest in photography took a back seat to some other things for a while.
My interest in photography renewed and redoubled itself in 1991, when I took an eye-opening trip to Oregon for the first time. I had always been interested in nature and outdoor imagery, along with abstractions and astrophotography, but at that point I gravitated heavily into specializing in professional quality, freelance outdoor and nature work. I completely re-educated myself through books, magazines, the internet(more recently), and by attending numerous photographic workshops, led by well-known full time professionals. I also did volunteer assisting at some of them. Eventually I developed a strong relationship, as student and mentor, with Robert Glenn Ketchum. His fine art color landscape photography coupled with an extremely strong environmentalism ethic has become the single biggest influence and inspiration to me as a photographer. During the same period of time, I established myself as a part time, professional level freelance photographer, but only at the point when my work finally began to achieve a quality level which was on par with what I knew was required for publication, sale, and large fine art print displays. More recently, I have dived head first into web design, digital imaging, and computer graphics, and I am taking classes at the University of the Arts, in Philadelphia, with the intent of further combining photography with web design and other digital media.
I currently show and sell large Ilfochrome prints of my nature imagery, as well as smaller inkjet prints of the Inner City Units works, around the Philadelphia area, in cafe and coffeeshop galleries, bookstores, and other venues. I also now critique and mentor other photographers on occasion. Publication credits include: Astronomy Magazine, Nature Photographer Magazine, Outdoor California Magazine, Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday Magazine, Classic Toy Trains Magazine, and others. Future plans include expanding the scope and exposure of my Inner City Units project, writing some articles for potential publication, and continuing my travels for outdoor and nature photographic subjects, along with expanding my marketing efforts for all my work in general.
Galleries of my outdoor and nature work, my current exhibit imagery and show schedules, print sales information, as well as some astrophotography, extensive links, and other information, can be seen on my web site.
Web Site: Optiques Classic Photographic Imagery

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Joy Reid  (Send comments here)

Short Story: Tiger! Tiger!

I'm thirty five years old, married, live on a hundred and thirty five acre property which borders a state forest in South Gippsland, Australia. I began writing seriously in 1997. Since then I've been published at AntiMedia, Burn Spiral, Wired Heart, World of Words, Dream Forge, Temporary Insanity, Poetry Future Express, Snakeskin, The Empty Shelf, Dream Forge, Ygdrasil, Neologue, Afterthoughts, The Bridge, Pyrowords, Pauper, Eternity and others (60 e-zines in all and eight hard copy magazines). I've won a few prizes as well (nine in 1997, one in 1998), have been included in a chapbook put together by John Amato (of 'Articulata' fame) and four other anthologies.

Zine Sites

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June Woodward  (Send comments here)

Columnist: What's this whale watching about?
      Devilfish or Devilwhalers In Baja?
      Baja's wondrous gray whales, the "Friendlies"

I am a devoted animal lover and whale watcher.  As such, I have traveled (more than once) to Alaska, Baja Mexico, New England, California, British Columbia, Quebec and New Brunswick, and the Caribean to observe the whales and wildlife.  So the columns  are written from personal experience and from daily literary and InterNet research.   

I have gone through several careers in my lifetime -- vagabond bureacrat with the Feds, research and clinical psychologist, and computer scientist in geographic information systems.  My formal education led to a  Ph.D. in Psychology.

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Page created by Dave A. Law
Last update: June 23, 1998