I followed a lonely road
that led me away from all the new horizons,
away from friends and the ravaged ruins of family.
I entered the old world naked,
broken and battered, my life in pieces
and my heart in tatters.

How was I to know she was waiting there for me,
deep in the heart of Central Europe,
beyond the ends of my world?
A girl with a face like Garbo, her body
my one true dream. Her hair had been crimped
and curled by angels, and her voice
was pitched by sad history.

I wanted to lose myself
in the gothic shadows of cathedrals,
in sorrow that went down a thousand years.
I stood in the ruins and saw her
slowly emerge out of the just-risen sun.

She was made of sky,
of earth, of air, a sacred fire
burned in her. In her eyes
I glimpsed the creation of the world,
in her arms I wrestled tenderness.

With the deftness of her touch
she lifted me up, with the words
"I want you" she claimed my soul.

I followed a lonely road
past the old horizon where the sun had come up,
and I saw her slowly emerge
out of the light the sun had left behind for me.