Women'space: a feminist e-magazine; this issue contains articles on
Low Income Women & The Internet ; Mommy Queerest ;    
Oú En Sont Les Femmes Francophones Dans Internet; 
Francophone Women’s Organizations and Cyberspace ;
Feminism in Grade 11Biology ; Using the Internet to Learn the Internet;  
Arguments About Getting Online (Or Not ); How-to-feature:  A Web Page of Your Own; 
Working With Momentum; Gender@Gk97; 
Information Technology is a Women’s Rights Issue

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9








Using the Internet to Learn the Internet

WEB WINDOWS: Illustration by Juliet Breese Recommendations by
Jo Sutton and Scarlet Pollock

Once you get online there are places you can go to learn how to use the tools of the Internet. The following is a small selection:

The first four sites take women into account and are highly recommended. The rest are excellent, but don’t expect to see yourself reflected in the tutorials..

Office of Women’s Affairs, Queensland, Australia “Logged In or Locked Out?” This site has both discussion articles on reasons why women might want to be online and tutorials on how to use search tools,email, Web Browsers and more

The Sunshine Coast Women’s Centre (in British Columbia) holds regular learning sessions. Their classes are on their Web site. Go to the bottom of their Web page and click on “Handouts from previous meetings”

To learn more about making a web page go to the Techbabe Web site. It’s an introduction, including HTML (hyper text mark up language - the extra typing you have to do to make a Web page)

British Columbia’s Ministry of Women’s Equality has commissioned some Internet tutorials for women. We believe they will put them on the MWEQ Web site, but they have not yet been released - watch this space

The Famous Roadmap classes are long over, but they live on at
www.beonthenet.com/mapindex.html Roadmap is 25 free lessons on using the Internet, done in a light-hearted manner by a student whose tutor told him to “network” for a job. 60,000 people in 23 countries took the initial course, and many of them passed their Roadmap lessons on to someone else.

Tourbus is a virtual tour of the Internet, delivered by e-mail to over 80,000 people in 120 countries. Go to the Web address to find out how to subscribe. Once you have subscribed Tourbus updates arrive (free) twice a week by email. Or you can just check out the Web site regularly

Tools for Internet Trainers - from the Internic.
15 minute presentations on a wide range of Internet topics. Uses Powerpoint software.
[this site no longer accessible]

Check out your local Community Net’s Internet tutorials, for example Chebucto Community Net at

Want to find even more online tutorials?
Then go to the Yahoo Search Internet site for online learning sites by category

Et, en français Tutoriels avec TP, cours

The Virtual University has revamped itself. Starting in mid-August the calendar of classes will be done on a monthly basis, and there will be no enrolment form. You can start with courses like “HTML and Web Design for Beginners” or “PC Basics: Meet Your Computer”. For these and other free courses go to the Web site

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