November / December
Vol. 33, no. 6
Gifts to the National Library from the Friends of the National Library of Canada, 1992-2001
Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres (1722-1824)
A statement submitted by Lieutenant Colonel Des Barres, for consideration: respecting his services, from the year 1755, to the present time, in the capacity of an officer and engineer during the war of 1756: the utility of his surveys and publications of the coasts and harbours of North America, intituled, The Atlantic Neptune: and his proceedings and conduct as lieutenant governor and commander in chief of His Majesty’s colony of Cape Breton. [London?: s.n., 1796?]. 2, ix, [1], 90, [10] p.
Acquired with assistance from the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board.
The Statement concerns the request for compensation for considerable personal expenditures incurred by Des Barres while in the employ of the British Admiralty in a major survey and charting of the coasts of eastern North America, 1764-1774. The work was published as The Atlantic Neptune… [London, 1774-1784] and became the standard guide for navigation for the areas charted.
See article by Joyce Banks, "National Library Acquires Important Rare Book," National Library News, January 1992, vol. 24, no. 1, p. 1-2.
Maria Chapdelaine
Cent peintres rendent hommage à Maria Chapdelaine. [Compiled by] Clément Fortin. Alma, Quebec: Editions C.F., 1985. 231 p.
© Nicole Billard. Reproduced with the permission of Nicole Billard. |
© Canada Post Corporation, (1975). Reproduced with permission.
© Clarence Gagnon. Reproduced with the permission of the McMichael Canadian Art Collection. |
The volume contains reproductions of the work of 100 artists who responded to the request to contribute an original painting on a theme taken from Louis Hemon’s novel Maria Chapdelaine. The artworks were executed on first-day cover envelopes bearing a stamp issued on May 15, 1975, which shows one of Clarence Gagnon’s illustrations from the novel. Quebec binder Nicole Billard created the one-of-a-kind binding using colourful leather inlays to create a landscape, her work aiming to produce as much a tactile as a visual pleasure through the different textures of fine leathers.
John Dee (1527-1608)
General and rare memorials pertayning to the perfect arte of navigation: annexed to the paradoxal cumpas, in playne: now first published 24 yeres, after the first inuention thereof. Printed at London: By John Daye, anno 1577. [26], 80, [2] p.
Acquired with the assistance of the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board.
First edition of one of the numerous works by John Dee, the learned Elizabethan philosopher, mathematician, geographer, astronomer, astrologer and even alchemist. Occasional consultant to Queen Elizabeth (and other European royalty) on medical, astronomical and geographical questions, Dee advised the Queen on the title to her North American lands, and was consulted by Frobisher and Gilbert before their overseas ventures. This is a presentation copy to Edward Dyer, the courtier who recommended the work to the Queen. Dyer is said to have paid for its printing by the important London printer John Daye. |
Wendy Simon (1946-)
The Fable of the Bees. [Montreal: W. Simon], 1992.
A unique work of 13 leaves in a portfolio by Wendy Simon, inspired by the Fable of the Bees; or, Private vices, Publick Benefits (1714-28), by Bernard de Mandeville (1670-1733). The artwork is produced by using various techniques in combination: etching, lithography, embossing and pencil drawing.
Jeremy Belknap (1744-1798)
The foresters, an American tale: being a sequel to the history of John Bull the clothier: in a series of letters to a friend. Printed at Boston: By I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews…, 1792. 216 p.
In this humorous historical allegory, Belknap, a New England Congregational clergyman, describes the origins and rise of the British colonies in America and the events of the American Revolution. This is the first edition, published by the noted Boston printer Isaiah Thomas. |
Great Britain
An act giving licence for transporting fish in foreign bottoms: at the Parliament begun at Westminster the 17th day of September, anno domini 1656. London: Printed by Henry Hills and John Field…, 1657. 4 p.
This act sets out the customs duty payable on fish purchased or transported out of the British Isles, but exempts from these taxes fish brought or transported out of Newfoundland and New England. |
Great Britain
An act for the encouragement of the trade to America. [London: J. Baskett, 1708], p. 463-472.
Passed during the reign of Queen Anne, this act concerns privateering as relating to trade in the Americas.
John Hayes Canadian Sheet Music Collection
A total of 131 pieces of Canadian sheet music published between 1880 and 1895.
John Hayes, who died in 1993, was a producer at the Stratford (Ontario) Festival, and a noted book collector. |
Pehr Kalm (1716-1779)
Beskrifning hurn socker göres uti Norra America af åtskilliga slags trän. Af Pehr Kalm. [Stockholm?: s.n., 1751], p. 143-159.
This extract from an unidentified publication, probably a Swedish scientific journal, deals with the trees and plants of the United States and Canada, including maple, birch and hickory trees. The noted Swedish naturalist travelled in North America from 1748 to 1751; in 1749, he visited Canada. The National Library holds various editions and translations of his travel account En Resa til Norra America, which was first published in Stockholm, 1753-1761. |
Circus Poster
Mrs. Redon’s Benefit. [Montreal: H.H. Cunningham, 1812].
Circus broadside, printed in red and black. It advertises a circus led by Cayetano Mariotini (part of a larger American troupe run by Pépin and Breschard). This broadside concerns the March 12, 1812, evening performance in Montreal. It is noted that "Tickets to be had at Messrs. Cunningham & Co’s book-store, and the circus offices." Probably the earliest known Canadian circus broadside.
See article by Michel Brisebois, "An 1812 Montreal Circus Broadside." National Library News, October-November 1996, vol. 28, no. 10-11, p. 6. |
Ernest Thompson Seton (1860-1946)
Prikliucheniia shchenka. By Ernest Thompson Seton. Moskva: I. Knebel, 1916. 15 p.
Pre-revolutionary, 1916 Russian translation of Chink, a woolly coated Little Dog, one of the many animal stories by the noted Canadian naturalist and artist. |
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
The Goldberg Variations. Edited for the harpsichord, or piano by Ralph Kirkpatrick. New York, London: G. Schirmer, 1938. 83 p.
Piano score, annotated by Glenn Gould. Excerpts from The Goldberg Variations, played by Gould, were used in the sound track of Kurt Vonnegut’s film Slaughterhouse-Five. |
"Exchange Rooms"
Exchange Rooms, Manchester: the public are respectfully informed, that the proprietor of the exhibition of the Esquimaux Indians, has liberally offered one day’s receipts towards furthering the missionary cause among that uncivilized people: for the benefit of the Moravian missions, established in Labrador, among the Esquimaux, at their three settlements, Hopedale, Nain, and Okak, on Monday next, January 19th, 1824: the only two Esquimaux Indians, male and female, from Baffin’s Bay, North Pole, ever brought to England, from the frozen regions of the North (where Capt. Parry has lately been making discoveries)... (Manchester): H. Smith, (1824).
On the verso is printed a list, in 2 columns, headed "Catalogue of the museum, of natural and artificial curiosities, which accompany the exhibition of the Esquimaux Indians."
Paul Ragueneau (1608-1680)
Relation de ce qui s’est passé de plus remarquable aux missions des PP. de la Compagnie de Iesvs en la Novvelle France, és années 1657 et 1658. A Paris: chez Sébastien Cramoisy..., 1659. [8], 136 p.
Published annually from 1633 to 1673, covering the years 1632 to 1672, these "annual reports" were sent by the Jesuit mission superior for New France to the Jesuit’s procurator in Paris, and printed there. They are, of course, an important published source for the history of Canada in the 17th century.
See two articles by Joyce Banks: "Ad majorem Dei gloriam: the Jesuit Relations," National Library News, October 1986, vol. 18, no. 10, p. 9-11.
"Jesuit Relations Held by the National Library of Canada: 1990 Update," National Library News, May 1991, vol. 23, no. 5, p. 11. |
Robert Michael Ballantyne (1825-1894)
The gorilla hunters: a tale of the wilds of Africa. By R.M. Ballantyne. London: T. Nelson, 1861. 422 p.
First edition of one of the numerous books for young people by Ballantyne, many of which are held by the Library.
Louis XIV, King of France (1643-1715)
Lovis par la grace de diev roy de France & de Nauarre, à tous presens & auenir, salvt: estans bien informez & asseurez de la loüable & recommendable affection peine & diligence que nostre cher & bien aymé Charles de Sainct Estienne Cheualier sieur de la Tour, qui estoit cy-deuant institué & estably par le feu roy de tres-heureuse memoire, nostre tres-honoré seigneur & père que Dieu absolue, gouuerneur & nostre lieutena[n]t general au pays & coste de Laccadie en la Nouuelle France... [Paris?: s.n., 1651].
After the death of his predecessor, Charles de Menou D’Aulnay (1604-1650), with whom he had many conflicts over the years, Charles Saint-Etienne de La Tour (1593-1666) is named governor of Acadia. These letters-patent confirm his nomination. |
Susanna Moodie (1803-1885)
Something more about the soldier’s orphan, or The further adventures of Hugh Latimer. By Susannah Strickland. London: Dean and Son, [ca. 1855], p. [71]-142.
This work was published within the series "Tales of goodness, truth and kindness for the children of England." No other copies are held in Canada. |
Gerrit de Veer (fl. 1600)
Tre navigationi fatte dagli Olandesi, e Zelandesi al settentrione nella Norvegia, Moscovia, e Tartaria verso il Catai, e regno de’Sini: doue scopersero il mare di Veygatz, la Nvova Zembla, et vn paese nell’ottantesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia. Descritte in latino da Gerardo di Vera, e nuouamente da Giouan Giunio Parisio tradotte nella lingua italiana. In Venetia: Presso Ieronimo Porro & Compagni, 1599. [4], 79 leaves.
First Italian edition, translated from the Latin edition of 1598, which followed shortly after the original Dutch edition of the same year. The work is an account of the three voyages (1594, 1595, 1596-97) undertaken by Dutch navigators, piloted by Willem Barendzs (ca. 1550-1597), with a view to the discovery of a northeast passage to Asia. Included is a description of the harrowing winter passed by the crew of one of the ships in the Russian Arctic regions in 1596-97.
The Library also holds the first French edition, 1609, and an abridged Dutch edition of 1648. All editions are noted for their fine copperplate engravings depicting the crews in their struggles with the Arctic environment, encounters with polar bears, etc.
E.W. Bliss
Supplement to the Sacred harmony consisting of a choice selection of hymn tunes, sentences, and anthems, selected from the compositions of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, and others: including the elementary instruction, on the system of Pestalozzi, as adopted by the Boston academy of Music. Toronto: Published by Anson Green, Conference Office, 1849. xix, [255]-342, [2] p.
First edition of Bliss’s Supplement to Alexander Davidson’s Sacred Harmony. Only one other copy of this edition is held in Canada (Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library). In the first edition, shaped notation is used, while the second edition (the only copy located being incomplete) has the standard round notation. The Library holds the 1845, 1856 and 1858 editions of Davidson’s Sacred Harmony.
Great Britain
Office of American Claims, Commission Appointed to Enquire into the Losses of American Loyalists, 1783-1789.
Sir, as you have neglected to follow the directions contained in a notice formerly published at Quebec by order of the Commissioners, I am directed by them to require that you send a deposition taken before a justice of the peace, stating the reasons which prevented your lodging your claim in England... and you are required to state particularly the place, or places, in which you resided, from the 15th July 1783, to the 25th of March 1784... [Montreal: F. Mesplet, 1787]. 1 folded sheet.
Circular letter concerning Loyalists’ claims. Signed at end: Peter Hunter, sec. Rare Canadian imprint not recorded in bibliographies. Printed by the first printer in Montreal, Fleury Mesplet (1734-1794). |
Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)
[Poems]. [S.1.: s.n., 190-]. 29 leaves.
Thirty-two poems on 29 leaves, most of which are printed on one side only. This slim pamphlet was possibly type-set upon the author’s instructions, and probably given by her to a very limited number of friends around Christmas 1903. This is one of only two known copies. This rare work is a valuable addition to the Library’s holdings of the writings of Lucy Maud Montgomery, which were further enhanced by the gift of some 300 of her works by Ronald Cohen, a long-time member of the Board of Directors of the Friends of the National Library.
Emma Albani (Marie Louise Cécile Lajeunesse) (1847-1930)
An early 78-rpm reissue and an original 78-rpm recording of the great Canadian opera singer.
- Gounod’s "Ave Maria" (Pathé 50331). Cylinder rec. 1905.
Handel’s "Largo" (Pathé 50330). Cylinder rec. 1905.
- Bishop’s "Home Sweet Home" (Gramophone Concert Record Gc 3505) Orig. 78-rpm, 1904.
Acquired by the Music Division with financial assistance from Friends of the National Library.
Freeman’s Advocate
Freeman’s Advocate, vol. 1, no. 1 (September 1838) - vol. 1, no. 26 (March 29, 1839). Lockport, N.Y.: James Mackenzie and John A. Harrison, 1838-1839.
An almost complete run of a rare newspaper dedicated to the cause of Canadian political independence from Britain, published in Lockport, New York, by James Mackenzie (William Lyon Mackenzie’s son) and John A. Harrison.
See article by Chris Raible, "Promoting Canadian Independence: The Freeman’s Advocate, 1838-1939," National Library of Canada Bulletin, vol. 33, no. 2, March-April 2001, p. 12-14.
Agnes Strickland (1796-1874)
Patriotic songs. Written by Agnes and Susanna Strickland; and composed by J. Green. [London: J. Green, ca. 1830]. 64 p.
This collection of songs by Susanna Moodie and her sister Agnes was published before Susanna married J.W.D. Moodie and moved to Canada. This is the only copy in Canada. |
Paul Le Jeune (1591-1664)
Relation de ce qvi s’est passé en la Novvelle France, en l’année 1634 : enuoyée au R. Père provincial de la Compagnie de Iesvs en la prouince de France. Par le p. Paul le Ieune de la mesme compagnie, superieur de la résidence de Kebec. A Paris: Chez Sébastien Cramoisy..., 1635. [4], 342, [2] p.
First edition of the third Relation. The National Library now holds 35 of the 41 Relations.
See article by Michel Brisebois, "The Jesuit Relations at the National Library of Canada," National Library of Canada Bulletin, May-June 2001, vol. 33, no.3, p. 4-7.
Anne of Green Gables
Two lithograph posters for the first (silent) ‘Anne of Green Gables’ film, produced by Realart Pictures in 1919.
Of impressive dimensions, they feature the actress who played Anne, Mary Miles Minter. No copies of the film survive. The posters were recently found in a small town in Michigan, where they had been for many years hidden under a carpet with other posters! |
 © Unknown. |
 © Unknown. |
Anne of Green Gables and other indicia of “Anne” are trademarks and Canadian official marks of the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc., located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Used with permission.
L.M. Montgomery is a trademark of Heirs of L.M. Montgomery Inc. Used with permission. |