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November / December
Vol. 33, no. 6

The Library Welcomes Its New Director of Policy and Planning

The National Library of Canada is pleased to report that as of September 17, 2001, Hélène Espesset has assumed the position of director of policy and planning, for a period of a year. She brings with her wide experience acquired while at Industry Canada, where she had been on assignment most recently as interim manager of the "Francommunautés virtuelles" program, as well as at her home department of Canadian Heritage and various other federal departments.

Hélène Espesset has master’s degrees in Economic and Social History and in Public Administration. She has taken doctorate-level courses in History from the Université Laval and is a former participant in the CAP program of the federal government of Canada.

Hélène Espesset can be contacted at:

Strategic Policy and Planning Branch
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street, Room 211
Ottawa ON K1A 0N4
Telephone: (613) 995-4135