November / December
Vol. 33, no. 6
Randall Ware Receives Commendation from The Writers’ Union of Canada
In September, The Writers’ Union of Canada presented a Certificate of Commendation to Randall Ware in recognition of his extraordinary service to Canadian writers and writing, through literary programming at the National Library of Canada. As coordinator of Public Programs, Randall Ware has hosted over 500 readings since 1988, featuring more than 700 writers, almost exclusively Canadian.
In accepting the award, Randall Ware remarked on the authors whom he has welcomed to the Library over the years. From the established writers to the first-time novelists, almost without exception, they were generous, engaging and committed. In some ways, the burgeoning stature of Canadian literature on the world stage comes as no surprise to Randall Ware, for he has experienced first-hand the quality and growth of Canadian literary creativity.
The award is one of a few that have been approved and presented by The Writers’ Union of Canada to Canadian library officers who have made outstanding contributions to the promotion of Canadian letters through public programming. Previous recipients are Don Scott, Confederation Centre Library, Charlottetown, and Janice Douglas of the Vancouver Public Library.