Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

The Non-Reserve First Nations, Inuit and Metis Communities HIV/AIDS Project Fund:
A Funding Program in Transition

Review of the Non-Reserve First Nations, Inuit and Metis Communities HIV/AIDS Project Fund

In early 2005, Native Management Services (hired on a contract basis by the HIV/AIDS Policy, Coordination and Programs Division of the Public Health Agency of Canada) and the Public Health Agency of Canada reviewed the Non-Reserve First Nations, Inuit and Metis Communities HIV/AIDS Project Fund (hereafter, the Non-Reserve Fund) under the Federal Initiative to Address HIV/AIDS in Canada (hereafter, the Federal Initiative). This review looked at all projects funded under the Non-Reserve Fund between 1998 and 2005 and was a key component in helping the Public Health Agency of Canada ensure that the Non-Reserve Fund remained responsive to the changing nature of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Canada's non-reserve Aboriginal communities.

The review of the Non-Reserve Fund was carried out in three stages: a descriptive analysis stage where the Non-Reserve Fund's activities and performance since 1998 were analysed; a stakeholder consultation phase which consulted with the National Aboriginal Council on HIV/AIDS, past funded project personnel, personnel from organizations that had submitted unsuccessful proposals in the past to the Non-Reserve Fund and appropriate provincial and federal government personnel; and a final phase that brought forward lessons learned together with the shifts in the policy environment identified by the Federal Initiative and other important policy initiatives in HIV/AIDS and Aboriginal health. The document produced from this review (entitled the Review of the Non-Reserve First Nations, Inuit and Metis Communities HIV/AIDS Project Fund) shares the stories of the funding program's successes and challenges in the past and helps to lay a course for the funding program's future. The review document also brings forward twenty seven recommendations; of these twenty seven recommendations, seventeen focus specifically on the Non-Reserve Fund while the remaining recommendations go beyond the scope of the funding program.

For the complete Review of the Non-Reserve First Nations, Inuit and Metis Communities HIV/AIDS Project Fund, please click the following link: Final Report PDF version.

Implementation Plan

PHAC is committed to the implementation of the funding program specific recommendations made by the Review of the Non-Reserve Fund. As evidence of this commitment, PHAC has created an implementation plan which details the recommendations, the program's past status (under the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS), the actions required or taken, and the approximate completion dates. This implementation plan will see the implementation of the Non-Reserve Fund program specific recommendations from the Review of the Non-Reserve Fund over the following two fiscal years (to 2007/2008) and, with some recommendations, on going. In addition, PHAC has also responded to the recommendations that go beyond the scope of the Non-Reserve Fund and has illustrated what actions will be taken to ensure these recommendations are also considered by the appropriate authorities.

To see the PHAC implementation plan of the recommendations from the Review of the Non-Reserve Fund, please click here PDF version.