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Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education

[Table of contents]

Acknowledgements I 

The Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education would not exist without the efforts, knowledge and expertise of the original Working Group that developed the Guidelines in 1994:* 


Michael Barrett,
Department of Zoology,
University of Toronto; and Chairperson of the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) 

William Fisher,
Department of Psychology and Department of Obstetricians
and Gynaecology,
University of Western Ontario 
Research and administrative coordinators 

Alex McKay,
Research Coordinator,
Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) 

Dot Whitehouse,
Sexual Health Resource Coordinator,
Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) 

Members of the Working Group 

Ed Belzer,
Health Education,
School of Recreation,
Physical and Health Education,
Dalhousie University 

Ardene Burden,
National Past-President, Provincial Chair,
Canadian Association of School Health (CASH) 

Hélène Cameron,
Senior Consultant,
Health Education,
Health Canada 

Margaret Moyston Commings,
Reproductive Health and
Infant Care,
Epidemiology and Community Health Specialties,
Indian and Northern Health Services Directorate,
Health Canada 

Jo-Anne Doherty, Epidemiologist,
Division of STD Control,
Bureau of Communicable Disease Epidemiology,
Health Canada 

Noni MacDonald,
Division of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital of
Eastern Ontario 

Holly Mackay,
Sexual and Reproductive Health,
Health Service Systems Division, Health Canada 

Doug McCall,
Education Consultant,
Canadian Association for School Health (CASH)

Janet Nelada,
Reproductive Health Consultant, Community Health Division, Health Canada;
(Interchange Canada, 1989-1991) 

Brenda Richard,
Assistant Professor,
Maritime School of Social Work 

Alain Rochon,
Health Promotion Consultant, Département de Santé Communautaire,
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
de Sherbrooke,

Linda Smith,
Sexuality Division,
Calgary Health Services 

Marcel Teasdale,
Direction de la Formation générale de jeunes,
Ministère de L’Éducation, Québec 

*    The titles and organization names associated with these individuals may no longer be valid or applicable today.

Funding for the original project was provided by the Government of Canada’s Family Violence Initiative. Funding for revision of the Guidelines was provided by Health Canada’s Community Acquired Infections

Acknowledgements II 

The 2003 revisions to the Guidelines were made possible through the dedication, and valuable input from individuals working in the field of sexual health education and promotion across Canada. 

Research and administrative coordinators 

Michael Barrett,
Department of Zoology, University of Toronto; and Executive Director of the
Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) 

Alex McKay,
Research Coordinator,
Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN) 

Sharon McMahon,
Research Analyst,
Community Acquired
Infections Division,
Health Canada 

Marlene Roache,
Research Analyst,
Community Acquired
Infections Division,
Health Canada 

Cathy Sévigny,
Project Officer,
Community Acquired
Infections Division,
Health Canada 

Melanie Tsang
Research Assistant,
Community Acquired
Infections Division,
Health Canada 

Members of the Working Group 

Cat Baron,
Canadian Public Health Association 

Sandra Byers,
University of New Brunswick 

William Fisher,
Department of Psychology and Department of Obstetricians
and Gynaecology,
University of Western Ontario

Corrine Langill,
Adolescent Health Specialist, Community Services Branch, City of Ottawa 

Ruth Miller,
Sexual Health Educator,
Toronto Public Health 

Ronald Morris,
Faculty of Education,
McGill University 

Focus group participants: 

Andy Anderson,
Associate Professor,
Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (CTL),
OISE/University of Toronto 

Louise Aubrey,
Policy/Research Analyst,
Child and Adolescent Division, Health Canada 

Colin Bailey,
Assistant Director,
Council of Ministers of Education,
Canada (CMEC) 

Cat Baron,
Canadian Public Health Association 

Neil Burke,
Strategies and Knowledge Development,
HIV/AIDS Division,
Health Canada 

Steve Carroll,
National Programs,
Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada (PPFC) 

Margaret Chaput,
Curriculum Special Project Assignment Teacher,
Ottawa Carleton Catholic
School Board 

Donna Cherniak,
Clinical Teacher,
Family Medicine,
The Society of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) 

Maryanne Doherty,
Faculty of Education,
University of Alberta 

Stephan Duchesne,
Project Manager,
Man-to-Man Project,
AIDS Committee of Ottawa 

Sharron Falana-Leduc,
Vice Principle,
Centennial Regional High School,
Ottawa Carlton District School Board 

Stefan Kalozdi,
Communications Inc. 

Patricia Keeble,
Athletic Director,
Bell High School 

Jodie Lyn-Harrison,
Quality School Health
(QSH) Manager,
Canadian Association for Health,
Physical Education,
Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD) 

Doug McCall,
Executive Director,
Canadian Association for
School Health Canada 

David MacKinnon,
Associate Professor,
School of Education,
Acadia University 

Jennifer Neepin,
Policy Analyst,
National Association of Friendship Centres 

Pamela Oickle,
Public Health Nurse, Community Health Outreach 

Christabelle Sethna,
Assistant Professor,
Institute of Women’s Studies/Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa