Public Health Agency of Canada
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Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education

[Table of contents]

Fact Sheet

What are the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education?

They are a resource and reference tool developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada in collaboration with sexual health experts. The Guidelines provide the basis for program planners, policy-makers, health care professionals, researchers and those working in related fields to build effective sexual health education programs that meet the diverse needs of Canadians.

Objectives of the Guidelines:

These Guidelines are designed to:

  • Assist professionals concerned with the development and implementation of new and effective programs, services and interventions that reinforce behaviours that support sexual health and personal well-being.
  • Provide a detailed framework for evaluating existing sexual health education programs, policies and related services available to Canadians.
  • Offer educators and administrators a broader understanding of the goals and objectives of broadly based sexual health education.

Effective sexual health education, based upon the Information, Motivation and Behavioural Skills (IMB) Model, can help individuals to prevent negative sexual health outcomes and enhance health by providing:

  • Clear, accessible and relevant information;
  • Opportunities to develop the motivation and personal insight to act on the information provided; and
  • Educational experiences that lead to the development of appropriate behavioural skills.

There is need for continued development of effective sexual health education for youth in Canada.

Schools are the key site for providing children, adolescents, and young adults with the knowledge and skills they will need to make and act upon decisions that promote sexual health.

Broadly based sexual health education can play a pivotal role in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and unintended pregnancies.

[Sexual Health and Sexually Transmitted Infections]