Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Current Funding Opportunities

Guidelines for Applicants

Please note that the Invitation to submit an Application (ISA) for
funding under the Community-Based Programming component of
the Cancer Program is now CLOSED

The following is for information purposes only


These Guidelines for Applicants apply to the Community-Based Programming component of the Cancer Program, within the Chronic Disease Strategies Division of the Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control. The guidelines are consistent with authorities provided by Treasury Board Secretariat for the delivery of this program and follow the same Terms and Conditions as set out in the Promotion of Population Health Grants and Contributions approved in January 2010.

The Guidelines for the Community-Based Programming component of the Cancer Program may be reviewed and amended at any time by the Cancer Program.

In collaboration with the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) supports national cancer control objectives that translate information to knowledge and ultimately result in action.


Cancer rates will continue to rise as Canada's population ages. It is important to develop and share best practices, identify community innovations, evaluate models and approaches to raise awareness of cancer risk factors, and promote informed decision making on cancer screening and early detection.

PHAC has a distinct federal public health role to anticipate and respond to the health needs of Canadians and within the context of chronic disease, it supports health promotion, disease prevention, early detection, and chronic disease management as key mechanisms to reduce the chronic disease burden for Canadians.

Initiatives under the Cancer Program include the:

  • Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Initiative (HLCD) – an integrated program that provides a coherent framework to provide federal leadership across a range of public health actions to promote the health of Canadians and reduce the impact of chronic diseases in Canada;
  • Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative (CBCI) – a national model for stakeholder engagement that supports national standards for prevention, early detection and screening; research and community initiatives so that best practices in breast cancer and women's health are shared and education resources are made available to communities;
  • Canadian Breast Cancer Screening Initiative (CBCSI) – a program that gathers current information on cancer screening programs' performance, supports collective action and provides reports based on national data analysis; and
  • The Cancer in Young People in Canada Program (CYP-C) – a multi-stakeholder collaboration that advances understanding of the impact of cancer on children and youth and the long-term effects of childhood cancer treatment.

Objectives of the Cancer Program

Public health action in cancer includes concerted efforts that address the conditions and risk factors for cancer, including those shared with other chronic diseases. Enhanced capacity for action at various levels is expected to contribute to stronger public health policies and a more integrated, evidence-based response to cancer prevention and control.

The expected results of the Cancer Program are:

  • increased knowledge of cancer risk factors and conditions;
  • earlier detection of cancer;
  • better management of cancer;
  • maintained and enhanced quality of life, fewer complications and premature deaths among those living with cancer; and
  • greater uptake of public health best practices and intervention models in communities.

Cancer Program and Community-Based Programming

The Community-Based Programming component of the Cancer Program seeks to support communities to participate in the development and provision of cancer information and support; enhance their ability to identify gaps in information and services; provide input into program and policy development; and develop linkages at the local, provincial/territorial and national levels as well as across various health and social sectors.

The requirements for submission of proposals and the process for review and recommendation for funding are the same for all grants and contributions under this Invitation to Submit Applications. Accountability and reporting requirements are detailed in a Grant Agreement or Contribution Agreement.

In these guidelines, "Community" refers to a group of individuals and/or organizations sharing a common identity based on culture, geographic location, values, interests, norms and/or agreed upon beliefs or goals. This can include communities of practice such as communities of practitioners, planners or policy-makers, as well as public health, health care communities and networks and communities from sectors such as education, recreation and the workplace.

Cancer Funding Priorities

If you are applying under an Invitation to Submit Applications (ISA), please refer to the ISA for details on the specific priority.

Mandatory Application Requirements

Only proposals that are completed in full will be considered. Please note: applicants are required to use the templates provided as separate attachments. Applications submitted using any other forms or formats will not be accepted.

Your application package must include the following:

  • Application for Funding Form PDF Version (10 pages 1.42MB)
  • Detailed description of your project proposal (Use the required templates):
  • Evidence or your organization's eligibility (i.e. copy of your certificate of status, incorporation documents (letters patent), provincial/territorial papers, Board of Directors list, Terms of Reference or governing structure)
  • Copy of documentation confirming status of funding from other sources (if applicable)
  • Signed official letters of support from partners demonstrating partnership commitment to the proposed project, describing the type and nature of the contribution
  • One original, 5 copies and one virus free copy of the application package on (CD/DVD)
  • Signed official letter from the sponsoring organization, demonstrating agreement to sponsor the project

Eligibility and Funding Criteria

  1. Eligibility
  2. Projects submitted to the Community-Based Programming component of the Cancer Program must:

    • be carried out within the time frame of the authorities;
    • advance the program's objectives;
    • be consistent with the Public Health Agency of Canada's mandate and priorities;
    • be in compliance with these Guidelines for Applicants; and
    • be national in scope or linked to a national context.
  3. Eligible Recipients
  4. The class of Recipients eligible for funding under the Community-Based Programming component of the Cancer Program vary for solicited and directed funding. The Cancer Program may consider proposals received outside the context of a solicitation, request proposals from organizations deemed capable of pursuing a project of interest and relevance to the Public Health Agency of Canada, or consider proposals generated by eligible organizations.

    The class of recipients for solicited projects include: Canadian, not-for-profit, voluntary organizations and corporations; unincorporated not-for-profit groups, societies, and coalitions; regional and public health authorities; provincial, territorial and local governments; and educational and post-secondary institutions.

    The class of recipients for directed projects include: Canadian, not-for-profit, voluntary organizations and corporations; unincorporated not-for-profit groups, societies, and coalitions; regional and public health authorities; provincial, territorial and local governments; and educational and post-secondary institutions. On an exceptional basis, individuals deemed capable of conducting cancer-related activities and non-Canadian recipients may be considered.

  5. Ineligible Activities
  6. The following activities will not be considered by the Cancer Program:

    • costs of ongoing activities of an organization;
    • researcher initiated projects in any discipline i.e. projects that would fit the criteria and processes of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) or other research funding agencies, and clinical or basic research. Research activities conducted in the context of policy and program development may be considered;
    • single focus projects such as video production, website development, or the production of pamphlets;
    • profit-making activities;
    • direct services that fall within the mandate of other governments' jurisdictions;
    • capital costs, such as purchase of land, buildings or vehicles; and
    • contingency allowances or unidentified miscellaneous costs.
  7. Eligible Expenditures
  8. Expenses directly related to approved projects are defined in the Grant Agreement or Contribution Agreement. Eligible costs include such expenses as personnel, travel and accommodation, materials, equipment, rent and utilities, and evaluation costs related to the approved project (see Appendix A).

    No project expenses may be incurred prior to the acceptance of the Grant Agreement or Contribution Agreement by all parties.

  9. Stacking Provisions
  10. Proposals must disclose all sources of funds received for the proposed project, including funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, CIHR, other federal departments, other levels of government, charitable foundations, companies, etc. Projects are also required to report to the Public Health Agency of Canada any additional funds received to support the project being considered under the review process or to augment activities of the project during the course of the project. This applies to funding from all sources.

  11. Maximum Amount Payable
  12. Funding will be in the form of a one-time, non-renewable transfer up to a maximum value of $500,000 per year for any one project. Funding duration will be limited to two (2) years (24 months).

    The Cancer Program will determine if successful applicants will be offered a Grant Agreement or a Contribution Agreement based on an assessment of the proposed project and the funding available.

  13. Basis and Timing of Payments
  14. Advance payments are limited to the immediate cash requirements for approved activities according to the Instalment Payments of Grants and Advance Payments of Contributions in the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments. The number of instalments will be based on the approved Grant or Contribution.

  15. Ethics Review
  16. An Ethics Review may be required for your project submission. In considering how an ethics review may apply to your specific project proposal, and for additional information, please consult the following web site at:

Review Process

The review process has three steps: a) internal screening, b) review, and c) final approval. Only those eligible applicants that have provided the required information will be considered for review. The assessment criteria for proposals are provided in Appendix B.

  1. Internal screening: All applications are screened to ensure they meet eligibility criteria, address the identified priority and are complete as per the application requirements outlined in the Invitation to Submit Applications and the Guide for Applicants. Additional information may be requested during the screening process. If an application is incomplete, fails to meet eligibility criteria and/or fails to address current identified priorities, it will be screened out and will not proceed to the review step.
  2. Review: This step involves the creation of a Review Committee. Eligible proposals will be assessed by internal and/or external reviewers for quality and merit as well as significance and relevance. Reviewers will be selected on the basis of their experience in cancer and related fields.
  3. Final approval: Projects deemed appropriate will be considered for funding by PHAC. You will be notified as soon as a decision has been made about your application.

Project Administration and Dissemination

If your project is approved, funding will be provided through a Grant or a Contribution Agreement. A Grant or Contribution Agreement will be prepared for your project detailing conditions and requirements. A Program Consultant will be available to provide assistance, advice and support, as you conduct your project. Please note that public announcements may be made for projects approved for funding.

Official Language Requirements

The funding recipient must clearly identify the target population of the project and, if applicable, take the necessary measures to respect the spirit and intent of the Official Languages Act to communicate with the public in the official language (i.e. English or French) of their choice, as well as supporting the vitality and development of official language minority communities.

The Government of Canada is committed to:

  • Enhancing the vitality of the English and French linguistic minority communities in Canada and supporting and assisting their development; and
  • fostering the full recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society.

Official language minority communities include Francophones living outside the Province of Quebec and Anglophones within the Province of Quebec.

Depending on the targeted population, activities, projects or programs may be conducted in only one official language, in both official languages or in another language.

For additional information about the Official Languages Act, please refer to:

Lobbyist Registration Act

With the recent amendments to the Lobbyist Registration Act, we also ask that you review the Act to ensure that your organization is in compliance with the regulations, available at:

Deadline and Submission Process

Deadline for Submissions – June 17, 2011

The Public Health Agency of Canada will NOT accept applications by email or by facsimile, or postmarked after the deadline.

Due to the Canada Post strike, we recommend sending your complete application package by courier postmarked by the deadline of June 17, 2011.

Please send one original, 5 copies and one virus free copy of your complete application package on (CD/DVD) postmarked by the deadline date of June 17, 2011 by courier to:

Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
8th Floor – 785 Carling Avenue, Address Locator 6808B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9

Appendix A: Eligible Expenditures and Categories

The budget is an integral part of the application. Funding received from the Public Health Agency of Canada may only be used for expenses directly related to the activities of the approved project. The Detailed Budget Template provided must be completed and included in your application.

The following is a description of the broad categories of eligible expenditures:


In this section, include project staff salaries, contractor fees, and employee share of payroll deductions and benefits. Project funds cannot be used for the management or supervisory tasks involved in the ongoing, operational functions of the organization.

  1. Full-time and part-time regular employees: includes only the project employees who draw a regular salary from the project. There is another section within this category for contractual help.
  2. Enter employees' gross salaries (before deductions) for time spent directly on the project under the Personnel category. In other words, if an employee is working part-time on the project and part-time on other duties with the sponsoring organization, only that portion of time allocated to the project is entered here.

  3. Employer's share of payroll deductions and benefits: In this section, enter the total of the employer's share of payroll deductions such as Employment Insurance, Canada or Quebec Pension Plan, other payroll taxes (e.g. provincial health tax), etc., for project employees. Contact your local Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) office for rate tables or consult CRA's web site: This section should also include vacation pay for employees who will receive a lump sum payment instead of paid leave. Contact your provincial ministry of labour to determine vacation pay rates for your province.
  4. Contractual employees: Enter the name of all persons hired on a contractual basis, as well as the nature of the services provided to the project (e.g. temporary help, script writers, bookeeping, etc.).


In this section, include all costs for project-related travel activities such as private vehicle mileage, air, train or bus fares as well as meals and accommodation while on travel status. (Travel and hospitality expenses must remain within the Treasury Board Guidelines. Please refer to the following links for more information). (travel link) (hospitality link)

  1. Under Transportation, include all costs for private vehicle mileage, air fares, bus passes, etc.
  2. Under Living Expenses, include the cost of meals, accommodation, etc., while on travel status.
  3. Under Meeting Rooms, include the cost of renting rooms for meetings while on travel status.


In this section, include office supplies, project materials, printing and postage costs, including costs for dissemination.

  1. Under Office Supplies, enter the total cost of stationery, pens, envelopes, etc.
  2. Under Project Materials, enter the total cost of materials such as dvds, reference materials, etc.
  3. Under Printing, include costs incurred for work done by a printing firm.
  4. Under Postage, include the cost of postage, freight, messenger services, etc.


In this section, include the costs for renting or purchasing computers, photocopiers, calculators, furniture or special equipment for the project. It is not acceptable for recipients to charge rent for computers that they own. It is expected that sponsors, as part of their in-kind contribution to the project, will give project staff access to their equipment.

  1. The Office Equipment category is used to record the costs for renting or purchasing computers, photocopiers, calculators, etc. for the project. Identify each item and cost separately.
  2. Under Furniture, include the cost of renting or purchasing furniture (if required for the project). Identify each item and cost separately.
  3. In the Special Equipment category, include the cost of renting or purchasing special types of equipment not mentioned under Office Equipment above, but necessary to carry out project activities (e.g. video camera). Identify each item and cost separately.

Rent and Utilities

In this section, include office rental, telephone, electricity, and heating. Only a portion of rent and utilities will be considered. It is not acceptable for recipients to charge rent for space that they own or that is being paid for by other sources. It is expected that sponsors, as part of their in-kind contribution to the project, will give project staff access to their office space and utilities.

  1. In the Rent category, include a portion of the cost of renting space, if necessary.
  2. In the Utilities category, include the cost of all utilities that are not already covered in the monthly rental fee. In most cases, it is only telephone charges, but in other cases, heat, electricity, water, etc. are not included in the rent. Identify the cost for each utility separately.


In this section, include contract fees for an external evaluator, costs for staff, board members or participants involved in the planning, data collection and analysis components of the evaluation.

The cost for evaluation is approximately 5-10% of the total project cost. PHAC has also introduced a new Project Evaluation and Reporting Tool (PERT) that must be completed on an annual basis. An additional 2% can be allocated for the collection and tracking of PERT related information.

Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination

In this section, include any costs related to dissemination and transferring knowledge about the project. This could include sharing of lessons learned in workshops and newsletters, developing and sharing fact sheets at events, or posting of tools and information on a web site and sending out notices to target audiences and stakeholders. For example, costs may include printing, website development, postage, meeting room rental, etc.


In this section, include expenses that do not fit in any of the previous budget categories. For example, insurance, bank charges, translation costs, and audit charges. Please specify.

GST/HST should be included in the relevant categories, not as a separate item in this category.

Please note that new budget categories will not be accepted.

Appendix B: Proposal Assessment Criteria

The following will be used to review the applications submitted:

Project Relevance and Need

  • Project addresses the identified solicitation priority
  • Proposal provides evidence-based information on the need for the project
  • Project is aligned with objectives of the Cancer Program
  • Project is aligned with Public Health Agency of Canada and Government of Canada priorities in cancer prevention and control
  • Project complements other similar initiatives

Objectives and Expected Results

  • Objectives are clear, realistic and are logically linked to the expected results
  • Objectives and expected results reflect the need identified in the proposal
  • Project results are attainable, tangible and make measurable statements of change
  • Project demonstrates how it will impact the target population and the health of individual Canadians

National Scope and Applicability

  • Project demonstrates how its activities and anticipated results have national scope and reach
  • Project demonstrates how results will be useful to other partners, the target population and be replicable to other parts of the country.

Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Project involves appropriate representatives and stakeholder groups in key components of the project
  • Project involves multi-sectoral partnerships
  • Role and contribution of partners is significant and evidence of partnerships and collaborations is provided

Knowledge Transfer Activities

  • Project describes how results will be shared through appropriate mechanisms
  • Project includes details on who will benefit from the results of the project and how

Sustainability Plan

  • Details on lasting results of projects are provided
  • Explains which aspects of the project will be self-sustaining and how benefits of the project will be maximized


  • Workplan includes well thought out and relevant objectives and activities
  • Project identifies clear, realistic and measurable results
  • Workplan defines human resources and roles and responsibilities of the various groups and individuals
  • Workplan uses feasible timelines and activities


  • There is a well articulated plan to evaluate project or elements of the project
  • The plan describes what and how information will be collected
  • The proposal includes appropriate, measurable success indicators for each objective
  • Project allocates adequate resources (typically 5-10%)
  • Organization is willing to complete the PHAC Project Evaluation and Reporting Tool (PERT) and staff and resources have been allocated to the collection and tracking of related information

Your Organization

  • Organization clearly identifies its mandate/vision statement
  • Organization can demonstrate that it has the capacity to carry out the project
  • Organization shows the ability and resources to carry out the work as planned
  • Organization can demonstrate that it is financially and administratively stable
  • Funding history demonstrates an understanding of accountability for funds


  • All sources of funding for project are identified, including in-kind contributions
  • The budget items have been identified for each activity and they relate to the project activities/objectives
  • The estimated amounts are reasonable

Overall Quality and Value of Investment

  • Suitability of investing in the project – based on quality of proposal, priority issues addressed, potential outcomes and impact of project
  • Proposal is feasible and practical
  • Proposal demonstrates added value for improving the health of individual Canadians