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Canadian Rural Partnership
Responding to the needs of rural Canadians

Note: Due to the historical nature of this document, certain programs may have ended. As a result, many of the links to web sites are no longer valid.

Rural Secretariat

The Rural Secretariat leads an integrated, government-wide effort called the Canadian Rural Partnership (CRP), through which the government aims to co-ordinate and optimize its economic, social, environmental and cultural polices towards the goal of sustainable and viable rural communities.

The Rural Secretariat is responsible for providing leadership and coordination for the CRP, facilitating liaison and creation of partnerships around rural issues and priorities, and promoting dialogue between rural stakeholders and the federal government.

Rural Secretariat activities are managed by six units: Policy Development and Rural Lens; Rural Research and Analysis; Regional Coordination and Rural Dialogue; Canadian Rural Information Services (CRIS); Communications and Outreach; and Community Capacity Building / Programs.

Five policy areas were developed by the Rural Secretariat in consultation with federal departments and agencies, as well as provincial and territorial government representatives, in recognition of the cross-cutting nature of rural issues. These are issue areas where public policies affect the playing field in which communities operate. The five policy areas are: Sustainable Livelihoods, Environmental Stewardship, Innovative Approaches to Rural Infrastructure, Engaged Populations and Institutions, and Demographic Adaptation.

Policy Development and Rural Lens

Policy Development
In recent years, the main thrust of the Rural Secretariat's policy development work has revolved around the development of a framework for rural policies in collaboration with the provinces and territories. The Rural Secretariat has spearheaded the work of an Intergovernmental Working Group on Rural Development, drafting the proposed framework. This intergovernmental policy dialogue has helped governments focus on issues of common interest and a willingness to pursue a more coherent effort to support rural community sustainability.

The Rural Secretariat also organized a series of policy and research forums, held in June 2004, to bring together federal policy analysts and researchers whose mandates relate to rural development. Participants identified a lack of information in federal departments about rural issues and a shortage of tools for better-informed decision making as issues are addressed in order to better serve their rural clients.

Rural Lens
The Rural Lens is a policy analysis tool which provides a mechanism for examining government policy and program options and decisions from the perspective of Canadians living in rural and remote areas. The Rural Lens encourages decision-makers to consider the specific impact of policies and programs on rural Canada. At the national level, analysts identify implications for consideration by the federal Cabinet in assessing the impacts of federal initiatives, on service delivery, physical or technological infrastructure, or Canada's aging population in rural and remote areas.

At the regional level, the Rural Secretariat's senior policy advisors apply the Rural Lens in their policy discussions with provinces, territories and regional representatives of the federal government, though the Rural Teams.

Rural Development Network
The Rural Secretariat coordinated the development of the Rural Development Network, launched in November 2005. The Rural Development Network is made up of federal policy and research staff from close to 20 departments and agencies. It provides a central point or "community" of expertise for rural researchers and policy analysts, allowing for greater co-operation among departments. The Network will develop knowledge and information to advance rural policy options and create greater awareness of the challenges facing rural Canada.

Rural Research and Analysis

The Research and Analysis Unit undertakes comprehensive policy research and provides socio-economic information and analysis on rural and remote Canada and matters of interest to Canadians in rural and remote areas. The unit encourages and facilitates interdepartmental collaboration on research, collaboration with other researchers on rural issues, and provides analysis on rural issues to support the Rural Secertariats's policies and programs. It also complements the knowledge and opinions generated by citizens through the Rural Dialogue activities and through the regional operations of the Rural Secretariat.

The focus of the unit's work is three-fold - to inform policy, to validate/evaluate policies and programs, and to identify emerging trends. An essential part of the unit's work over the next few years will be to establish baseline analysis and measure change in the following priority areas: Demographic change, immigration, northern development, Aboriginal community development, resource reliance and innovative economic development, and sustainable community development indicators.

The information provided by the Research and Analysis Unit is crucial to evidence-based policy development for rural Canada and for key parts of communications and outreach of the Rural Secretariat.

Community Information Database
A significant contribution of the Research and Analysis Unit is the development and broad dissemination of tools and accessible and useful information.

The Community Information Database is a web-based tool which provides communities and governments with consistent, reliable and accessible information on economic and demographic factors and indicators at the community level.

The Community Information Database was launched in autumn 2006.

The National Rural Research Network (NRRN)
The National Rural Research Network (NRRN) was created in February 2005 as a mechanism to raise the profile and awareness of rural research, and to facilitate and support implementation of research and tools for rural communities and practitioners. The goal of the NRRN is to establish an ongoing, largely virtual network of individuals and institutions involved in research on rural issues and/or the application of research results in rural areas.

Ongoing Research
Ongoing research with other departments includes work on quality of life indicators, infrastructure and the contribution of rural Canada to the Gross Domestic Product. In addition, Statistics Canada, with funding from the Canadian Rural Partnership, produces the Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin, covering issues such as rural population growth, employment patterns, computer use, and internet use by members of rural households. The unit also maintains a watching brief on emerging international rural policy development initiatives, and contributes to this knowledge through various Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) processes.

Regional Coordination and Rural Dialogue

Regional Coordination
Regional Rural Secretariat offices provide a means of directly interacting with rural communities. They provide federal leadership, collaboration and coordination at the regional level on issues related to rural Canada.

Rural Citizen Engagement
Engagement of citizens and stakeholders is undertaken to ensure a citizen-centered approach to rural development and to demonstrate to rural citizen that their voice is important to the Canadian government. A variety of mechanisms are used by the Rural Secretariat to strengthen client engagement and influence public policy development at all levels of governments. These include the Rural Dialogue and Rural Networks (see below).

Rural Dialogue
The Rural Dialogue is an ongoing, two-way discussion between the Government of Canada and Canadians from rural, remote, and northern regions on opportunities, challenges and priorities, as well as on the role that governments, communities, stakeholders and individuals play in enhancing the quality of life in rural, remote and northern Canada. Since its launch in 1998, over 185 Rural Dialogue activities (e.g. workshops, surveys, regional and national conferences) have been held, involving more than 17,000 citizens from rural, remote, and northern regions across the country.

Rural Teams
Rural Teams were established in each province and territory and are comprised of members of the federal government in the region, and in most cases, members of the provincial or territorial government and/or sectoral stakeholders. Rural Teams, including the Rural Team Canada Network, play an important role in facilitating dialogue and reporting on key rural issues.

Rural Networks
The Rural Secretariat has supported the development of regional Rural Co-ordinating Organizations (RCOs). These networks provide a forum for rural Canadians to learn from one another, to undertake activities on behalf of rural citizens, connect with others across the country and share information and perspectives on issues of importance to rural Canadians. Through program funding, the Rural Secretariat has supported five existing regional rural networks: The Ontario Rural Council (TORC), Coastal Community Network Nova Scotia (CCN), Solidarité rurale in Quebec, the Saskatchewan Council for Community Development (SCCD) and the Fraser Basin Council in BC.

In response to the challenge of engaging rural youth in the future of their communities, the National Rural Youth Network (NRYN) was formed in 2003. The Network is guided by a Council comprised of 13 principal members (one per province and territory) and alternate members. It provides a forum for young Canadians (15 - 29 years of age) to connect with peers across the country and share information and perspective on issues of importance to them.

Community Capacity Building / Programs

The role of programming in the Rural Secretariat is to provide a practical link among policy, research and implementation, with the strategic objective of helping rural and remote communities capture community development opportunities by supporting the development and adoption of locally driven long-term, sustainable rural development strategies.

Two programs are being delivered: the Models for Rural Development and Community Capacity Building Program (The Models Program) and The Networking Initiative. Combined, these two programs have $18.5 M over 5 years, to March 31, 2008, notionally allocated at $13.5 M and $5M respectively.

The Models Program is a research based tool which tests approaches to rural development. The objective of the program is to develop a body of knowledge regarding approaches and processes that prove successful in community capacity building and rural development, which could then inform future policy and program development in government and non-government organizations.

Communities participating as "test sites" also benefit from the experience, building local capacity by participating in the implementation of these models.

The Networking Initiative funds smaller, community based projects with a focus on learning events, partnerships and networks. The initiative will also be evaluated to provide information about the impact of government intervention and support.

Canadian Rural Information Service (CRIS), Communications and Outreach

The Rural Secretariat uses communications and outreach activities to create an awareness of what the Government of Canada is doing in rural Canada and to gain the information needed to be an advocate for rural citizen needs. Canadians living in rural and remote locales need access to tools, information and resources to support community in their decision-making processes and actions.

The Rural Secretariat supports the Minister and key government officials on rural issues. The Communications and Outreach Unit also provides advice to other departments on engaging rural audiences and is responsible for communicating to citizens what overall government initiatives mean for rural communities and residents. It provides communications advice and support to all Rural Secretariat in the development and production of videos, brochures, publications, public opinion research, toolkits, information for the Web, press releases, backgrounders, and speaking points. The unit also provides advice and support to the Rural Teams that are established across Canada.

Through CRIS and Communications and Outreach, the Rural Secretariat plays a significant role in ensuring the dissemination of information pertinent to rural Canadians. The following are key tools that are used to ensure that this information is easily accessible by Canadians living in rural and remote areas:

  • Regional newsletters are a part of a cross-federal initiative aimed at raising awareness among rural and remote citizens of the work that the Government of Canada is doing in their communities. The content includes articles that are submitted by partnering departments highlighting local activities, national rural initiatives, local success stories, lessons learned, regional Rural Team activities and achievements, and reports on recent local activities, e.g. roundtables, town halls. Over a million newsletters printed in a plain language style on regular newsprint are distributed each year.
  • The CRP web site at is organized for quick, easy access to the activities and information products of the CRP, including newsletters, toolkits, reports on dialogue and roundtable activities, research reports, programs and information pathfinders.
  • The Canadian Rural Information Service (CRIS) is available to internal and external clients by toll-free telephone, email and the Internet and responds to requests for information on a broad range of rural topics.
  • Rural and Remote Canada Online, a Government Online initiative, is a gateway to a wide variety of rural-centric information on programs and services, publications, organizations, events and success stories from numerous sources and based on client needs, complimenting the website. The information crosses jurisdictional and organizational boundaries to improve access to the information that people in rural and remote regions need for individual and community decision making.
  • A Rural Secretariat radio initiative manages a cross-government initiative in the promotions of programs and services from both provincial and federal governments in three different languages: Cree, Ojibway and English. The initiative is being piloted in partnership with the Government of Manitoba, where partnering departments and ministries can submit programs and services for promotion via radio. This facilitates access to audiences, often in remote areas that cannot be reached through the printed word.

Five Priority Areas

Sustainable Livelihoods
Factors affecting how Canadians can provide for themselves and their families to live in rural communities that are economically and socially healthy.

Environmental Stewardship
Ways in which rural and urban communities can share with governments the responsibility for good management, the benefits of natural resources and a healthy environment.

Innovative Approaches to Rural Infrastructure
Approaches allowing communities, working together with governments, to develop and maintain physical, social and knowledge-based infrastructure that addresses their needs.

Engaged Populations and Institutions
Opportunities for institutions and governments to provide the environment where Canadians can actively participate in making decisions that affect the community.

Demographic Adaptation
Openness to the range of options rural communities may need to consider adapting to ongoing changes in population, economics and services.

The following report lists the different initiatives and services that the Government of Canada, through its departments and agencies, has put in place to respond to the needs of Canadians living in rural, remote and northern regions, organized on the basis of the 5 priority areas.

Sustainable Livelihoods

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Agriculture Property
Find information on property values across Canada or view Farm Credit Canada's listing of Canadian properties for sale.

Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF)
The Advancing Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food (ACAAF) program is a five-year program aimed at positioning Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector at the leading edge to seize new opportunities. Under the ACAAF program, funding is provided for eligible projects identified and carried out by the agriculture and agri-food sector that will further advance the sector's progress by engaging industry stakeholders in undertaking new activities which complement existing programming.

Advance Payments Program
Advance Payments Program provides cash advances with an interest-free feature on the first $50,000 to eligible producer to store eligible crops after harvest allowing them to market the crops later in the season when the market conditions may result in better prices and thereby encouraging the orderly marketing of the crop

Benchmarking Your Farm
Understanding your own financial profile is important for the success of your farm operation. Benchmarking helps you assess your farm operation and determine its strengths, weaknesses and areas where improvement is possible. To help you with this process, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has developed a free, easy-to-use financial tool called "Benchmark for Success".

Canadian Agriculture and Food International Program
The CAFI program matches industry funds dollar for dollar to support activities that enhance and promote Canada's reputation as the world leader in supplying safe, high-quality agriculture, agri-food, beverage and seafood products that meet the changing demands of world markets.

Canadian Agricultural Safety Program (CASP)
The primary objective of CASP is to decrease the level of farm injuries and fatalities across Canada. The Program will increase safety awareness and promote healthy attitudes to create a safe environment for farmers, farm workers, their families and their communities. CASP will build upon current activities, be broadly based and highlight children as a priority.

Canadian Agricultural Skills Services (CASS)
The program is designed to help farm families increase their income through skills development and training.

Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services (CFBAS)
CFBAS offers eligible producers access to a range of services, such as Farm Business Assessment and Specialized Business Planning Services.

Canadian Farm Income Program
The Canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP) provides funds to producers who have had a sudden and severe drop in income for reasons beyond their control such as flooding, disease, price collapse, or rapidly rising input costs. CFIP is a three-year program covering the 2000, 2001, and 2002 claim years.

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program
The CAIS program integrates stabilization and disaster protection into a single program, helping producers protect their farming operations from both small and large drops in income. The CAIS program is a whole-farm program available to eligible farmers regardless of the commodities they produce.

Canadian Rural Information Service (CRIS)
Canadian Rural Information Service (CRIS) responds to the information needs of rural and remote Canadians by providing pathfinders (guides) to information resources, customized information packages on specific queries, a web site of rural development resources, referrals to expert sources of information, and customized bibliographic searches. These services are provided through the Internet, telephone, fax, mail, or e-mail.

Co-operative Development Initiative
The Co-operative Development Initiative (CDI) is the Government of Canada's program to help people develop co-ops, and to research and test innovative ways of using the co-operative model.

Crop Insurance
Crop Insurance provides risk protection for farm production by minimizing the economic effects of crop losses caused by natural hazards. As well, complementary companion programs such as the Net Income Stabilization Account and the Canadian Farm Income program also provide risk protection for farmers or help industry development and research.

Farm Credit Canada (FCC)
Farm Credit Canada (FCC) offers a wide range of flexible financing products and services supporting diversification initiatives as well as value-added operations beyond the farm gate. For information, call our toll-free telephone line or visit our new Web site.

Farm Debt Mediation Service
Farm Debt Mediation Service of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada brings insolvent farmers and their creditors together to try to resolve their disputes. Contact your regional office:

Farm Financial Programs
Farm Financial Programs includes fall cash advances, the Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA) program, crop insurance, province-specific companion programs, the Canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP), and the Spring Credit Advance Program (SCAP).

Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act
Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act is a guaranteed loans program designed to increase the availability of loans for the purpose of improving and developing farm buildings and the processing, distribution or marketing of farm products by cooperative associations.

Farm Credit Canada Agri Success
FCC advances management practices that lead Canadian producers to success through the delivery of AgriSuccess learning and information programs. AgriSuccess delivers workshops and seminars, in a diverse offering of management topics. Information on agricultural and agribusiness issues is provided through the AgriSuccess Express, a weekly e-newsletter dedicated to agriculture, and the AgriSuccess Journal, a bimonthly magazine focused on management information. Both publications are free.

Farm Credit Canada (FCC) Bonds provide investors with the same credit quality as the Government of Canada (AAA). FCC Bonds offer investors an excellent opportunity to support Canadian agriculture.

Farm Credit Canada Enviro-Loans
Farm Credit Canada Enviro-Loans help producers finance the construction or improvement of operations to implement sound environmental practices that will help protect the farm for future generations. Producers can take up to 18 months before making principal payments, allowing them to manage cash flow during construction.

Spring Credit Advance Program (SCAP)
Spring Credit Advance Program (SCAP) of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides interest free loans to eligible producers to assist with spring seeding costs.

Transitional Industry Support Program
New program to address income challenges as producers make the move to the new Canadian Agricultural Income Support Program.

Business Development Bank of Canada

Aboriginal Entrepreneur
Business Development Bank of Canada's Aboriginal Banking Unit consists of Aboriginal people well aware of the specific needs of Aboriginal entrepreneurs, and offers customized, long-term, and flexible solutions.

Canada Business Network

Aboriginal Business Development Fund (ABDF)
The Aboriginal Business Development Fund provides capital to start-up, expand and modernize Aboriginal businesses in Atlantic Canada. pagename=CBSC_FE/display&c=

Aboriginal Business Service Network
The Network provides Aboriginal entrepreneurs with access to business programs, services and regulations, in urban, rural and remote settings.

Canada Border Services Agency

Customs Services on Request-Cost Recovery Program
Customs Services on Request-Cost Recovery Program provides new or additional customs services to facilitate international business development in rural and remote Canada. Call a Government of Canada operator for the nearest customs office.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

On-Reserve Non-Profit Housing Program
The program provides financial assistance to First Nations to build or purchase suitable, adequate and affordable rental housing on reserves.

Mold Matters: A Resource Guide for First Nations Housing Providers
This Resource Guide is intended for use primarily by First Nations people involved with housing, including: housing administrative staff working in the Band office, such as housing directors or managers; technical staff, such as construction supervisors; builders and renovators; and, inspectors.Mold Matters is a compilation of information programs, products and services from within CMHC and externally through other departments; agencies and the private sector that covers a wide range of information on moisture and related mold problems.

Canada Revenue Agency

Aboriginal Peoples - Tax Information
Aboriginal people are subject to the same tax rules as other Canadian residents unless their income is eligible for the tax exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act.

Farmers - Tax Information
This Web page provides easy access to publications and forms dealing with tax information for people earning income as a self-employed farmer or as a member of a farm partnership.

Fishers - Tax Information
This Web page provides easy access to publications and forms dealing with tax information for people earning income as a self-employed fisher or as a member of a fishing partnership.

Northern Residents - Tax Information
Topics/services specifically for northern residents. What you may claim if you are a northern resident.

Canadian Heritage

Aboriginal Peoples' Programs - Young Canada Works for Aboriginal Urban Youth
Provides summer work experience in Friendship centres and affiliated associations, and monies to help urban Aboriginal students to support their educational goals and support for scholarships to students and for career fairs to encourage for careers related to the departmental mandate.

Publications Assistance Program
The program supports the mailing costs of eligible publications, including a variety of Canadian periodicals including community newspapers, and publications addressing ethnic, Aboriginal, and minority official-language communities.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Icebreaking Program
The program is dedicated to ensuring that marine traffic moves safely through or around ice covered waters.

Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Fisheries and Aquaculture Management is a national program with a wide range of program elements that impact on the environment and on the livelihood of rural, coastal and aboriginal communities throughout Canada.

Small Craft Harbours Program
The program administers and maintains a national system for harbours, providing safe access and shelter for many fishing vessels and recreational boats.

Health Canada

Health Services Transfer Program
First Nations and Inuit communities situated south of the 60th parallel are eligible to enter into the health services transfer process with Health Canada. Community-based health services that can be transferred include: environmental health, treatment, and prevention health services; and appropriate First Nations and Inuit Health Branch facilities.

Non-Insured Health Benefits Program
The Non-Insured Health Benefits Program is Health Canada's national, needs-based health benefit program that funds benefit claims for a specified range of drugs, dental care, vision care, medical supplies and equipment, short-term crisis intervention mental health counselling, and medical transportation for eligible First Nations people and Inuit.

Human Resources and Social Development

Pilot project on increased weeks of employment insurance benefits
Some part-time, seasonal and workers with short employment periods, because of the very nature of their work, face situations where their EI benefits end before finding new employment. This pilot project will last 2 years and will provide an additional 5 weeks of regular benefits to these workers that have few employment alternatives.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Community Economic Development Program CEDP
Community Economic Development Program finances the operating of Community Economic Development Organizations (CEDOs). It provides First Nations and Inuit with long-term opportunities in employment, business creation or expansion and by giving them the means to develop and manage their skills.

Economic Development Opportunity Fund
Economic Development Opportunity Fund provides equity-gap financing up to $500,000 to obtain conventional debt financing for business start-ups or expansion.

First Nations and Inuit Science and Technology Camp Program
First Nations and Inuit Science and Technology Camp Program exposes school-age participants to science and new technologies, thereby increasing their educational and employment opportunities.

First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy
These programs for First Nations and Inuit youth living on reserves or in recognized communities are available in 2003-2004.

First Nations Forestry Program
The program works to improve economic conditions of communities while adhering to the principles of sustainable forest management.

Major Business Projects Program
The Major Business Projects Program (MBPP) provides financial assistance to eligible First Nations and Inuit businesses.

Northern Economic Development
Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development (SINED) is INAC's overall suite of northern economic development initiatives. Its goal is to promote the economic development of the North, in order to strengthen territorial economies and increase participation by Northerners.

PSAB Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business
The strategy helps Aboriginal firms do more contracting with government departments and agencies.

Resource Access Negotiation Program
Resource Access Negotiation Program finances the access of Inuit and First Nations communities to business and employment opportunities stemming from major projects, including the exploitation of natural resources on and off reserves.

Resources Acquisition Initiative
The initiative helps communities fund resource-sector and related business opportunities.

Resource Partnerships Programs
Resource Partnerships Programs provides financial support that encourages economic benefits from major, regional resource-development projects for First Nations and Inuit communities.

Industry Canada

Aboriginal Business Canada
The objectives of this program are to: increase the number of viable businesses in Canada that are owned and controlled by Aboriginal Canadians; improve access to business opportunities; increase self-reliance and provide a supportive business environment for Aboriginal Canadians in all areas of Canada.

Community Economic Diversification Initiative - Coulombe Report
Designed by Canada Economic Development, the Community Economic Diversification Initiative - Coulombe Report (CEDI-CR) aims to foster and support projects which address economic issues affecting communities hardest hit by the reduction in coniferous supply resulting from the implementation by the Government of Quebec of the Coulombe Report's recommendations. This initiative enables these communities to strenghten their social structure and open up to new economic sectors withhigh-added value and attractive high-growth potential. The CEDI-CR provides a comprehensive approach to creating social, cultural and economic conditions conducive to entrepreneurhip and mainstay projects generating sustainable jobs and a high quality of life.

Community Futures Program (CFP)
CFP is an ongoing national program, administered by FedNor in Ontario; Western Economic Diversification in Western Canada; Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec; and Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency in Atlantic Canada, that provides operating assistance and investment capital to 258 Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs) in Atlantic Canada and parts of Quebec, and Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) in other parts of Canada. These organizations in turn help support economic development at the community level. With this support, CBDCs and CFDCs carry out a mandate to provide repayable financing for local businesses; a variety of business services for small-and medium-sized enterprises and social enterprises; strategic community planning and socio-economic development; and support for community-based projects.

Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP):
Administered by FedNor, EODP was established in 2004 to promote socio-economic development in rural Eastern Ontario by creating, building and developing the necessary conditions for increased business and employment opportunities in the area. EODP assists economic renewal through five priority areas:

  • Business and community development;
  • Skills development;
  • Access to capital;
  • Retention and attraction of youth; and
  • Technological enhancements.

Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program (EDP)
The program is designed to help rural western Canadians with disabilities gain easier access to business training and development, mentoring and one-on-one counselling services, and financial assistance in their pursuit of self-employment and entrepreneurship.

Fishing Community Economic Diversification Initiative
Designed by Canada Economic Development, the Fishing Community Economic Diversification Initiative (FCEDI) aims to foster and support projects related to economic issues shared by fishing communities. This initiative encourages mainstay projects which meet the various needs of the communities involved. The FCEDI targets the following regions: Côte-Nord (Basse-Côt-Nord and the Minganie), Gaspésie (the coastal communities between Saint-Godefroi and Cap-Chat) and Îles-de-la-Madeleine

Innovative Communities Fund (ICF)
The Innovative Communities Fund invests in strategic projects that build the economies of Atlantic Canada's communities. Working in partnership with communities and stakeholders, ICF builds on the strengths of communities and provides the tools needed to identify opportunities available for their sustainable economic growth. ICF focuses on investments that lead to long-term employment and economic capacity building in rural communities. Urban initiatives that stimulate the competitiveness and vitality of rural communities may be considered on a selective basis.

Loans for Value-Added Agricultural Processors
The program provides financing for companies that process primary agricultural products, in either food or non-food areas, to add further value to the product.

Northern Ontario Development Program (NODP)
Administered by FedNor, the NODP is an ongoing program created in 1987 to promote economic growth, diversification, job creation and sustainable communities in Northern Ontario through a community-based approach. NODP invests in projects focussed on one or more of the following six priority areas:

  • Community economic development
  • Information and communications technology;
  • Innovation;
  • Trade and tourism;
  • Human capital; and
  • Business financing support.

Regional Strategic Initiative (RSI)
The program promotes the implementation of projects and initiatives that support the economic strengths of a region. It was designed on the basis of the following priorities, according to the specific needs of the regions: increased use of technology by SMEs; development of tourist attractions; drawing power and international reach; adjustment to the new global economic environment. The regional intervention strategies, launched jointly with socio-economic players from the individual regions, have been developed to respond to the specific needs of each region.

Services for Aboriginal Businesses
Services for Aboriginal Businesses lists a wide range of programs and initiatives offered by the Government of Canada that can assist Aboriginal entrepreneurs and community ventures.

Social Economy Patient Capital Fund
The Social Economy Patient Capital Fund aims to foster the creation and expansion of social economy enterprises and greater financial self-sufficiency of these enterprises. Le Chantier de l'économie sociale is the organization responsible for the management of the Patient Capital Fund

Softwood Industry and Community Economic Adjustment Initiative (SICEAI)
SICEAI provides adjustment assistance to eligible communities affected by the imposition of tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber exports to the U.S. Support will be made to projects in forestry-dependent communities which are experiencing long-term employment declines linked to tariffs imposed on Canadian softwood lumber. This funding will be targeted at several broadly-defined areas of eligibility including: Innovative and value added forestry initiatives; community capacity building; diversifying local economies; and infrastructure that encourages economic growth.

Justice Canada

Aboriginal Justice Strategy
The Aboriginal Justice Strategy (AJS) is composed of community-based justice programs that are cost-shared with provincial and territorial governments, and self-government negotiations in the field of administration of justice. Of these components, only the community-based justice programs provide contribution funding to Aboriginal communities.

Research and Statistics Division, Department of Justice Canada
The Research and Statistics Division has a number of justice-related research reports on issues impacting on rural communities in Canada. Examples include research on family violence within rural communities and the challenges of implementing an effective youth justice system in rural and isolated communities in Canada.

Natural Resources Canada

Northern Resource Development Initiative
In partnership with the provincial and territorial geological surveys and other federal departments, the Northern Resource Development Program delivers an improved, expanded geoscience knowledge base to stimulate new private sector investment in mineral and energy development to create additional opportunities for northerners. The program also supports northern capacity building in terms of increased understanding of geoscience for decision-making and increased employment opportunities provided by exploration firms.

Statistics Canada

Agriculture and Rural Working Papers
Twenty-five rural-related "Agriculture and Rural Working Papers" are available at the Statistics Canada website. Three were published during the fiscal years of 2004-05 and 2005-06. The working papers provide a detailed analysis with more provincial details in order to benchmark the rural policy debate.

Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin
There are now 47 Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletins covering topics such as rural youth migration, employment structure and change, health of rural residents and social capital in rural communities. These bulletins are available free of charge and can be downloaded from the Statistics Canada Web site.

Environmental Stewardship

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Community Pasture Program
Community Pasture Program helps producers strengthen their operations by allowing them to use community pastures for summer grazing of cattle and encourages high quality, long-term cattle production by providing a breeding service using good quality bulls. It also protects marginal land from erosion by maintaining a permanent cover on these lands.

Greencover Canada
The Greencover Canada program is a five-year, $110-million Government of Canada initiative to help you, as a producer, improve your grassland-management practices, protect water quality, reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, and enhance biodiversity and wildlife habitat.

National Water Supply Expansion Program
A national program, the NWSEP will focus on assisting Canadian producers to develop and enhance long-term agricultural water supplies.

Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA)
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA), a branch of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, works with Prairie people to manage land and water resources in a productive and sustainable manner.

Shelterbelt Enhancement Program (SEP)
This program is designed to reduce greenhouse gases through increased shelterbelt plantings on agricultural lands across the Prairies

Environment Canada

EC's Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP)
ACAP is a unique community-based program initiated by Environment Canada in 1991 to help Atlantic Canadians restore and sustain watersheds and adjacent coastal areas. ACAP recognizes that local organizations are the most effective champions to achieve sustainability in their communities.

Ecological Gifts Program
Landowners donating ecologically-sensitive land or a partial interest such as a conservation easement, covenant or servitude, to an environmental charity or government body are eligible for to receive income tax benefits for their donation.

Northern Ecosystem Initiative
This initiative supports projects that address science and capacity building needs throughout the Canadian North to enhance the future health and sustainability of northern communities and the ecosystems on which they depend.

Northern Ecosystem Initiative (NEI)
The NEI addresses ecosystem and community priorities across the Canadian North from the Yukon to Labrador and including portions of northern Ontario and Quebec. The goal is to support partnership-based activities that enhance the health and sustainability of communities and ecosystems.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Fisheries and Aquaculture Management is a national program with a wide range of program elements that impact on the environment and on the livelihood of rural, coastal and aboriginal communities throughout Canada.

Canada's Ocean Strategy
Canada's Oceans Strategy will help Canada respond to and support the ever-increasing growth in activity on our oceans. To sustainably meet this challenge it supports moving to an integrated, comprehensive vision for ocean management; taking advantage of economic opportunities while integrating social and environmental goals; and giving Canadians an opportunity to become engaged in decisions affecting Canada's three oceans. Integrated Management is an on-going process that brings together ocean interests and users to proactively plan and manage human activities affecting the marine environment within coastal management areas. The integrated management approach is being developed in collaboration with other federal departments and agencies, provincial and territorial governments, Aboriginal organizations, coastal communities and other stakeholders and interested Canadians.

Industry Canada

Innovation, development entrepreneurship and access program for SMEs (IDEA-SME)
The program promotes the development of enterprises, helps them to become more competitive on world markets and provides them with access to a wide range of economic programs and services. Target clientele are: SMEs, including social economy enterprises, SME support organizations, business associations, economic development organizations. IDEA-SME's areas of activity are: innovation, testing and experimentation to enhance natural resources, productivity, e-business, market development and export, social economy capacity building, entrepreneurship and business climate development.

National Forest Strategy Coalition

National Forest Strategy
The strategy guides Canadians in their ongoing work in sustainable forest management. It is for all Canadians to implement and reconfirms the country's collective commitment to work together toward the goal of a sustainable forest, nationwide.

Statistics Canada

Parks and Outdoor Recreation
This government of Canada website provides links to information on national parks and historic sites, provincial parks, and other outdoor recreation information.

Innovative Approaches to Infrastructure

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

AgriWeb Canada
AgriWeb Canada is a national directory of Canadian agriculture and agri-food information resources available via the Internet.

Prairie Grain Roads Program (PGRP)
The program provides assistance to upgrade some of the municipal roads and secondary provincial highways used for grain transportation in the Prairie Provinces and the Peace River region of British Columbia.

Aboriginal Canada

Aboriginal Canada Portal
A single window to Canadian Aboriginal on-line resources, contacts, information, and government programs and services.

Canada Business Network

Service to Business
Farm Canada Business is the gateway to all federal programs and services for businesses. It also serves as the portal to the network of Canada Business Service Centres (CBSCs) located in every province and territory across the country. The CBSC network provides comprehensive business information products and services through a multi-channel delivery system. Every rural community has access to the click and call channels and many have the option of walk in service within a reasonable distance. Further information on may be obtained at

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Emergency Repair Program
This program assists low-income homeowners or occupants in rural areas to undertake emergency repairs required for the continued safe occupancy of their homes.

Canada Post

Canada Post - Northern Services
Northern Services has established linked deliveries across Canada's North to create a network of ocean-to-ocean-to-ocean mail service, one that increasingly follows the shortest-distance rule of other networks. northern_services/default-e.asp

Citizenship and Immigration Canada

CANPASS Remote Area Border Crossing (RABC) Permit
The permit allows the bearer to cross the border into Canada at certain remote areas without reporting to a port of entry, as long as imported goods are declared.

Canadian Heritage

Aboriginal People's Programs
The Aboriginal Peoples' Program delivers Aboriginal-specific programs and initiatives that contribute significantly to Inuit, Métis, First Nations (Status and Non-Status Indian) Peoples. These programs focus primarily on encouraging full Aboriginal participation in Canadian life and supporting the continuation of Aboriginal living cultures as key elements of the Canadian cultural landscape.

Human Resources and Social Development

Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) Community Learning Networks (CLN) Initiative
OLT supports pilot projects that demonstrate innovative and sustainable uses of existing network technologies to enhance learning and skills development opportunities in Canadian communities. These approaches help individuals to prepare for and keep employment and to participate in a culture of lifelong learning. As of March 2004, there were 113 Community Learning Networks (CLNs) in place in communities across Canada of which 38% involve people living in northern, rural and other non-metropolitan areas.

Understanding the Early Years
The Understanding the Early Years initiative (UEY) assists communities by providing them with the tools and resources they need to gather information about their children. It helps to support a knowledge-based infrastructure and provides tools for communities to build its children's community networks and to collect a range of research information about children and their families, and the programs and services available in their community. In the fall 2005, 21 communities received funding under the first Call for Proposals. In addition, seven UEY communities are the final part of the pilot phase which is ending in March 2007. Half of the UEY communities encompass large geographic areas with rural populations. Examples include the UEY Cumberland County in Nova Scotia, comprised of four towns, villages and large rural areas, as well as the UEY Northeast Saskatchewan, which is primarily a rural community with a culturally diverse population of Cree and Saulteaux First Nations, Métis, French and English communities.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

Food Mail Program
The program, also formerly known as the Northern Air Stage Program, pays part of the cost of shipping nutritious, perishable food and other essential items by air to isolated northern communities that are not accessible year-round by road, rail or marine service. This makes it possible for local residents to have access to fresh food at lower prices.

Industry Canada

Broadband for Rural and Northern Development
Under the two rounds of implementation funds, 58 projects, representing approximately 1,380 communities*, were selected to negotiate funding agreements with Industry Canada to deploy broadband services to their communities for a total investment of $79-million.

Canada-Saskatchewan Northern Development Agreement
Announced in October 2002, the five-year, $20 million Agreement will provide opportunities for northerners to improve regional economic infrastructure, employment prospects through training and practical skill experience, educational and business expertise, research and industry innovation and the region's attraction of business investment.

Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP):
Administered by FedNor, EODP was established in 2004 to promote socio-economic development in rural Eastern Ontario by creating, building and developing the necessary conditions for increased business and employment opportunities in the area. EODP assists economic renewal through five priority areas:

  • Business and community development;
  • Skills development;
  • Access to capital;
  • Retention and attraction of youth; and
  • Technological enhancements.

National Satellite Initiative
The Initiative is aimed at bringing high-capacity Internet to communities in the Far and mid-North, and in isolated or remote areas of Canada, where satellite is the only reasonable means of connecting residents. lang=en

Northern Ontario Development Program (NODP)
Administered by FedNor, the NODP is an ongoing program created in 1987 to promote economic growth, diversification, job creation and sustainable communities in Northern Ontario through a community-based approach. NODP invests in projects focussed on one or more of the following six priority areas:

  • Community economic development
  • Information and communications technology;
  • Innovation;
  • Trade and tourism;
  • Human capital; and
  • Business financing support.

Infrastructure Canada

Canadian Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF)
The Canadian Strategic Infrastructure Fund is a ten-year program that targets strategic, large-scale projects of federal and regional importance in areas that are vital to sustaining growth and enhancing the quality of life of Canadians. Eligible categories under the CSIF are: highway and rail infrastructure; local transportation infrastructure; tourism or urban development infrastructure; water or sewage infrastructure; and broadband.

Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF)
The Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund provides a balanced response to local infrastructure needs in urban and rural Canada, and will ensure that all Canadians, whether they live in large, small or remote communities, will share in the benefits of infrastructure investments. The MRIF will improve and increase the stock of core public infrastructure in areas such as water, wastewater, cultural, recreation, and those very things that make our communities vibrant and productive places to live and work and raise families.

Natural Resources Canada

Sustainable Communities Initiative (SCI)
The Sustainable Communities Initiative builds capacity in rural, coastal, Aboriginal and northern communities that wish to take control of their future, by providing them with modern mapping technologies to make informed decisions for sustainable development. SCI provides this enabling capacity by helping communities learn, implement and use Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.) to make decisions about their economic, environmental and social development. By using this information to share knowledge, assess opportunities, evaluate options, and gauge tradeoffs, remote communities can make better and faster decisions.

Service Canada

Service Canada
Service Canada has put in place a network of one-stop Access Centres providing basic information on government programs and services. These centres allow visitors access to key Government of Canada publications, its toll-free telephone service and the Canada Site portal. To find the Access Centre nearest to you, visit our Web site.

Statistics Canada

Statistical Profile of Canadian Communities
Statistical Profile of Canadian Communities contains data from the 1996 and 2001 Census of Population for more than 5,900 incorporated towns and municipalities in Canada. In addition, information is available for the Federal Electoral Districts in which the community is located and for the Health Region in which the community is located. Also, 2001 Census of Agriculture information is presented for the Census Division and for the Census Agricultural Region in which the community is located. To access these products and obtain other free statistics and information, consult the Statistics Canada Web site.

Transport Canada

Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP)
The Program assists eligible applicants in financing capital projects related to safety, asset protection, and operating cost reduction. Eligible applicants are: the owner of an eligible airport or its operator (if so designated by the owner and a long-term contractual relationship is in place). To be eligible, an airport must receive year-round regularly scheduled passenger service, meet airport certification requirements, and not be owned by the federal government.

Airports Operations and Maintenance Subsidy Program
Originally established in 1972, the objective of the Program is to cover the deficits relating to operations and maintenance expenditures of municipal airports. With the transfer of most of these airports having occurred since 1995, the only airports remaining in this Program are six of the Remote Airports and two of the Regional/Local Airports identified in the National Airports Policy.

Grade Crossing Improvement Program
This Transport Canada website provides details of the financial assistance available for safety improvements to railway crossings.

Financial Support to Regional and Remote Passenger Rail Services
The funding provided by this initiative keeps services available in regional and remote points. The department contributes to the maintenance of existing regional and remote federally-regulated passenger rail services in regional and remote points in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and British Columbia. Where there are no roads, the passenger rail service transports groceries, building supplies, and household goods in the baggage car. The rail funding supports economic activity in the communities by providing access for tourists to recreational activities and commercial lodges as well as supporting local activities involving the lumber, fishing, and mining sectors. These activities help support the long-term viability and the development of rural and isolated communities.

Labrador Coast Airstrips Restoration Program
The objective of the Restoration Program is to restore the airstrips along the Labrador Coast to ensure their operational capability is maintained at the level necessary to meet Transport Canada's Airport Certification requirements. The Program contributes to the long-term sustainability and development of the communities along the Labrador Coast, since the coastal communities of Labrador are critically dependent on their airstrip for their survival and access to the national transportation system on a year-round basis.

Operation of Regional/Local and Remote Public Ports and Public Port Facilities
Transport Canada owns and operates a network of public ports and public port facilities that are classified under the National Marine Policy either as Regional/Local ports or Remote ports. Under the Port Divestiture Program, such ports will be operated and maintained until they are transferred and furthermore remote ports are divested only where interest to acquire them has been expressed. Transport Canada is committed to ensure these remote communities remain accessible for part of the year by marine mode and maintain access to the national transportation network.

Port Divestiture Program (PDP) The Port Divestiture Program was established in 1996 to transfer public ports and public port facilities, classified under the National Marine Policy as Regional/Local ports, to other federal departments, provinces, municipalities or local interests. The PDP allows communities to benefit from the advantages of local operation, including the flexibility to respond to changing needs and new business development opportunities.

Engaged Population & Institutions

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Rural Dialogue
The Rural Dialogue, a key component of the Canadian Rural Partnership, is designed to respond to rural development issues and concerns.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Aboriginal Capacity Development
Aboriginal Capacity Development facilitates the acquisition of tools in terms of knowledge, skills, training and resources that will allow First Nations to work towards self-sufficiency in housing and take on more responsibility for the functioning of their community. Assistance is provided to First Nations housing institutions and individual housing providers to acquire the skills and knowledge to design, build, inspect and manage housing on reserve such as:

  • Training sessions on Client Counselling, Property Management Planning, Home Maintenance, Arrears Management and Indoor Air Quality.
  • Access to inspector training for First Nations individuals through provincial building official associations and through community colleges.
  • Development of Healthy Housing projects to assist in dealing with health, adequacy and affordability issues in First Nations communities.
  • Support for Aboriginal youth career fairs and conferences dealing with management and technical housing issues.

Housing Quality Matters
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has, over the past few years, compiled a comprehensive series of information and training sessions having the objective of enhancing skills and knowledge with respect to housing quality. While there is a focus on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) including mold prevention and remediation, the sessions cover better building techniques, inspecting existing dwellings, property management and basic home maintenance. The series reaches all audiences involved with or impacted by housing and who can influence the quality and durability of housing e.g. Chief and Council; housing department staff; inspectors, builders and renovators and home occupants. CMHC is also supporting the development of Aboriginal trainers to deliver the suite of sessions. The development and delivery of this initiative is supported by Health Canada, Natural Resources Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

Sustainable Planning and Development for Small Communities Workshop
This workshop is designed specifically for municipal decision makers. The workshop lays a solid foundation and at the same time provides basic, practical information about sustainable development issues for smaller communities.

Canadian Heritage

Aboriginal Peoples' Program - Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting
Ensures that programming for Aboriginal Peoples living in the North reflects their languages, cultures, community issues, concerns, and current affairs by providing funding and assistance to Aboriginal broadcasters for the production and distribution of Aboriginal radio and television programming.

Aboriginal Peoples' Programs - Representative Organizations
Supports the operations of Aboriginal organizations representing Métis Non-Status Indian and Inuit peoples to provide political representation and advocacy.

Aboriginal Peoples' Program - Women's Community Initiatives
Supports projects addressing issues affecting Aboriginal women and their families which strengthen their cultural identity and participation in Canadian society.

Health Canada

Office of Nursing Services
Office of Nursering Services of the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada provides nursing services to First Nations clients living on reserves across Canada in a variety of settings, including remote, isolated and urban communities.

Human Resources and Social Development

New Horizons for Seniors
New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) was launched in 2004 to support a wide range of community-based projects across Canada that enable seniors to participate in social activities, purse an active life and contribute to their community. NHSP provides one-time grants of up to $25,000 to community organizations to build community capacity and reduce the isolation of seniors. NHSP is responsive to the needs of seniors in rural and remote areas. For example, in the last two years thirty per cent of funded projects were located in rural Canada.

Industry Canada

Business Contact
Business Contact is an economic leadership concept designed by Canada Economic Development in conjunction with Quebec's Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) and Business Development Centres (BDCs). This event targets the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the development of all the regions of Quebec. Business Contact is intended for business people and SME support organizations.

Community Futures Program (CFP)
CFP is an ongoing national program, administered by FedNor in Ontario; Western Economic Diversification in Western Canada; Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec; and Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency in Atlantic Canada, that provides operating assistance and investment capital to 258 Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs) in Atlantic Canada and parts of Quebec, and Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) in other parts of Canada. These organizations in turn help support economic development at the community level.

Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP):
Administered by FedNor, EODP was established in 2004 to promote socio-economic development in rural Eastern Ontario by creating, building and developing the necessary conditions for increased business and employment opportunities in the area. EODP assists economic renewal through five priority areas:

  • Business and community development;
  • Skills development;
  • Access to capital;
  • Retention and attraction of youth; and
  • Technological enhancements.

Northern Ontario Development Program (NODP)
Administered by FedNor, the NODP is an ongoing program created in 1987 to promote economic growth, diversification, job creation and sustainable communities in Northern Ontario through a community-based approach. NODP invests in projects focussed on one or more of the following six priority areas:

  • Community economic development
  • Information and communications technology;
  • Innovation;
  • Trade and tourism;
  • Human capital; and
  • Business financing support.

Regional Economic Development Organizations (REDO)
The mandate of the REDOs is diverse and varies from one Atlantic province to another in an effort to address the economic development needs of the individual provinces. They are involved in numerous activities such as community capacity building, the provision of information and support to prospective businesses, the management of various projects aimed at economic development opportunities, the promotion of entrepreneurial success, and business counseling. While the degree of this involvement is different in each of the provinces, the common thread is their primary focus on the development and implementation of strategic plans for their areas of coverage.

Justice Canada

Victims of Crime Initiative
The initiative is intended to improve the experience of victims of crime in the criminal justice system. As part of its overall mandate, the Victims of Crime Initiative (VCI) conducts research and consultations, often in collaboration with provincial and territorial colleagues, to determine the needs of victims, gaps in services and to identify promising practices for service delivery for victims of crime including victims living in Aboriginal, northern and rural/remote communities. Through the Victims Fund, the VCI provides support for initiatives to develop and enhance services and assistance for victims of crime and to support training of victim service providers and other criminal justice system personnel in northern and rural/remote communities. The funding supports the development of victim assistance in these communities, increased access to such services and capacity building. The Victims of Crime Initiative also provides funding to increase the number of Crown Witness Coordinators (CWCs) in the Territories and works with colleagues in the Northern region to support victims and witnesses living in the North.

National Defence

Bold Eagle Program
BOLD EAGLE is a unique summer training and employment program that combines military training and First Nations cultural awareness. BOLD EAGLE training fosters the development of valuable skills: self-confidence, self-discipline, teamwork and physical fitness. For the last 14 years, Bold Eagle has contributed significantly to building and improving relations between the Army and those communities that have participated, and has had a significant impact in the lives of the individuals who participate.

Canadian Forces Aboriginal Entry Program (CFAEP)
CFAEP is a special recruiting program offering full-time Regular Force training and employment opportunities to qualified Aboriginal peoples. This program offers Aboriginal candidates the opportunity to explore all aspects of a transition to military life before making an informed decision about joining. This program helps develop motivation, discipline, self-worth, leadership skills, and teamwork in the participants.

Canadian Rangers and Junior Canadian Rangers
Junior Canadian Rangers is a national community-based program for youth composed of patrols in Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and northern Quebec. The Rangers foster good citizenship, community responsibility, personal health and welfare, and self-esteem in youth, thereby building a stronger, healthier community for all. Contact the Chief of Reserves and Cadets.

Junior Canadian Rangers Program
Under the supervision of the Canadian Rangers, these young Canadians (ages 12 to 18) become active and engaged citizens of their local communities.

Natural Resources Canada

Legal Surveys Division
Survey and Land Management Training for Aboriginal Peoples transfer land-management and land-surveying skills and appropriate technologies to First Nations, increasing local decision-making and developing flexible relationships that recognize cultural differences.

Pan Canadian Community Futures Group

Pan Canadian Community Futures Group
Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) are locally managed non-profit corporations delivering a variety of services, including technical and advisory services to business.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

RCMP - Aboriginal Policing Branch
RCMP - Aboriginal Policing Branch is responsible for the initiation, development and evaluation of practical and culturally sensitive policing services which are acceptable to Aboriginal peoples.

Social Sciences and Research Humanities Council

Northern Research Development Program
To support research in and about the Canadian North, with emphasis on involving local stakeholders.

Statistics Canada

Health Reports on Northern Residents
Health reports is a quarterly journal produced by the Health Statistics Division at Statistics Canada.

Demographic Adaptation

Canadian Heritage

Aboriginal Peoples' Program - Support for Aboriginal Languages
Supports First Nation, Inuit and Métis community-based language projects in order to preserve, promote, and revitalize Aboriginal languages and cultures.

Health Canada

Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)
CAPC provides long term funding to community coalitions to deliver programs that address the health and development of children (0-6 years) who are living in conditions of risk. It targets children living in low income families; children living in teenage-parent families; children experiencing developmental delays, social, emotional or behavioural problems; and abused and neglected children.

National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program
National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program helps First Nations and Inuit communities to establish and operate programs that eliminate or reduce high levels of alcohol, drug and solvent abuse.

Nobody's Perfect
Nobody's Perfect is a Health Canada support and education program for parents of children from birth to five years of age. If you are young, single or living in isolation or on low income, a trained facilitator can help you develop skills you need to cope with the pressures of raising a child.

National Youth Solvent Abuse Program
The National Youth Solvent Abuse Program (NYSAP) is a national residential in-patient treatment program that compliments community-level activities aimed at preventing youth solvent abuse

Human Resources and Social Development

Official Language Minority Communities
The mission of the Official Language Minority Communities is to recognize the Francophone and Acadian communities outside Quebec and the Anglophone community in Quebec as target audiences, in accordance with the Official Languages Act, in order to provide them with access to Human Resources and Social Development Canada programs and services. Through such partnerships and strategic alliances, the needs and priorities for human resources and economic development can be better met. Examples of projects can be found in Whitehorse, Yukon, Ritchot, Manitoba, Sudbury, Ontario, L'Isle Madame, Nova Scotia and La Côte-de-Beaupré, Quebec

Indian and Northern Affairs

Connecting Youth in Canada - Live Webcasts
Connecting Youth in Canada is all about youth talking to youth - finding out how other teenagers live, what they think, where they're coming from. The webcasts will take place in Inuit and First Nation communities across Canada. A different theme will be discussed during each webcast.

Justice Canada

Family Violence Initiative (Justice Component)
The program is intended to promote awareness of family violence issues and the development of resource tools related to family violence in communities across Canada, including hard toreach communities such as rural communities.

See specifically:
(For specific examples of related projects that the Initiative has funded).

Public Health Agency of Canada

Aboriginal Head Start
Aboriginal Head Start (AHS) in Urban and Northern Communities is a Health Canada-funded early childhood development program for First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and their families. The primary goal of the initiative is to demonstrate that locally controlled and designed early intervention strategies can provide Aboriginal children with a positive sense of themselves, a desire for learning, and opportunities to develop fully as successful young people. There are 114 AHS sites in urban and northern communities across Canada.

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Date Modified: 2007-02-28