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National Rural Conference 2002

Delta Prince Edward Hotel,
Charlottetown, PEI
April 4 - 6, 2002



Agenda Sponsors

Close to 500 Canadians from rural and remote regions of the country, representatives of rural organizations, public servants from all levels of government and elected officials have been invited to Charlottetown for the second National Rural Conference.

Theme: Shaping a Successful Future for Rural Canada... Together

This conference will focus on rural Community Capacity Building, and in particular, on the subthemes of developing leadership, attracting and retaining people, and on developing skills that take advantage of existing and future opportunities for progress.

Key objectives of the conference are to:
  • enable you to acquire the tools and skills to stimulate development in your communities; and
  • provide you with opportunities to network on a national level, by discussing and exchanging information.
This conference will also allow you to share your views about the realities of living in Rural Canada, to hear about achievements since the last conference in Magog, to lay the foundation for a new action plan for 2002-2004, and to enable policy makers to hear your thoughts and ideas.



The Government of Canada would like to recognize and thank all of the sponsors for their contribution.

A variety of private companies and other federal departments and agencies have provided either products or services that will enhance the Conference and reduce costs.

Lead sponsors

Secondary sponsors



Date Modified: 2002-05-25