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Canadian Rural Information Service
Non-Profit Outcomes Evaluation Pathfinder

Non profit organizations often need to measure the value of the service they provide and to evaluate their community impact. This pathfinder highlights a selection of resources for program evaluation with an emphasis on outcome measurement tools.

In addition, the Canadian Rural Information Service offers information pathfinders on various other topics such as: Writing Funding Proposals


Canadian Flag : Identifies Canadian content


Glossary of Selected Outcome Measurement Terms
A glossary of terms provided by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. PDF format only.

Glossary of Terms Canadian Flag
Glossary of terms from the Canadian Outcome Research Institute.

Outcome Measurement Glossary
Glossary of outcome measurement terms from the California State Library. PDF format only.


Benchmarks of excellence for the voluntary sector Canadian Flag
An education, evaluation and planning tool from the ALS Society of Canada. This tool helps organizations measure themselves against the characteristics that distinguish excellent voluntary and not-for-profit organizations. PDF format only.

CORI Outcome Model Canadian Flag
This model from the Canadian Outcomes Research Institute uses the continual circular process of constant quality improvement as an evaluation sequence. Cyclical evaluation methods link agency service delivery evaluation to the business operations. PDF format only.

Enhancing Organizational Performance
A Toolbox for Self-assessment
Canadian Flag
This guidebook presents an innovative and thoroughly tested model for organizational self-assessment. The tools and techniques are flexible, and the model can be adapted to any type or size of organization. Worksheets and hands-on exercises are included.

Evaluation Toolkit Canadian Flag
The Evaluation Toolkit has been designed as a step-by-step tutorial, guiding you through the process of project evaluation. The toolkit explains how to build evaluation into your project plan, how to use a logic model to help define and refine your project and how to track and report on project results. Case studies are included to illustrate how three organizations applied the various components of the toolkit to evaluate their initiatives.

Outcomes Toolkit 2.0
This document was produced by IBEC (Information Behavior in Everyday Contexts), a research program at the University of Washington. Although targeted to library evaluation, the four step process for conducting an outcome-based evaluation is easily adaptable to other services.

Program Effectiveness Organizational Development Toolkit Canadian Flag
This toolkit from the Toronto United Way provides step-by-step instructions to measure and demonstrate program outcomes with validity and reliability of results. PDF format only.

Books and Articles


2003 Non-profit performance report : an analysis of management, staff, volunteers, and board effectiveness in the non-profit sector Canadian Flag
This report is based on the analysis undertaken as part of the Donner Canadian Foundation Awards for Excellence in the Delivery of Social Services. PDF format only.

Measuring the Difference Volunteers Make: A Guide to Outcome Evaluation for Volunteer Program Managers
This publication from the Minnesota Department of Human Services presents a basic, practical approach to beginning a process of volunteer outcome and impact evaluation. PDF format only.

Project Evaluation Guide for Nonprofit Organizations: Fundamental Methods and Steps for Conducting Project Evaluation. Canadian Flag
This guide from Imagine Canada is designed to assist charitable and nonprofit organizations to conduct precise and appropriate project evaluations, and then communicate and use the results of evaluation effectively. PDF format only.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook
This handbook is a resource for project directors and other non-profit staff members involved in evaluation projects. It contains a section on designing and conducting evaluation. PDF format only.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide
This publication, a companion to the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook, focuses on the development and use of the program logic model as a tool for program evaluation. PDF format only.


Achieving and Measuring Community Outcomes: Challenges, Issues, Some Approaches
Identifies major challenges encountered by 12 American United Way organizations seeking to achieve and measure community outcomes and describes some approaches they use to address the challenges. PDF format only.

Assessing Performance: Evaluation Practices and Perspectives in Canada's Voluntary Sector Canadian Flag
Presents results from a 2003 national survey of the evaluation practices of Canadian voluntary organizations and of funders of voluntary organizations. PDF format only.

Basic Guide to Outcomes-Based Evaluation for Non-profit Organizations with Very Limited Resources
This document from the Free Management Library provides guidance toward basic planning and implementation of an outcomes-based evaluation process (also called outcomes evaluation) in non-profit organizations.

Connecting Program Outcome Measurement to Community Impact
The United Way of America produced this report describing how to link program outcome measurement to community impact. PDF format only.

How Program Outcome Measurement Contributes to Community Impact
This article from the United Way of America identifies three strategic areas and seventeen specific ways that program outcome measurement contributes to the work of the community impact United Ways. PDF format only.

Outcome Measurement Activities of National Health and Human Service and Accrediting Organizations
This report from the United Way of America describes outcome measurement activities of 33 national health and human service organizations, and the activities and requirements of 4 national accrediting organizations. PDF format only.

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Additional Resources

GrantBenefit Canadian Flag
This website, from Community Foundations of Canada, offers guidance, ideas, resources and practical tools to help community foundations and other non-profit organizations begin to assess their benefit to the community.

Nonprofit Good Practice Guide - Evaluation
This resource, from the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership, gathers both widely-accepted and innovative non-profit practices and offers preferred practices and pitfalls, glossaries, resources, trends and web site profiles in the area of accountability and evaluation.

Outcome Measurements Resources
A collection of articles, tools and other resources on a variety of topics related to outcome measurement from the Compassion Capital Fund.

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Date Modified: 2007-07-25 Important Notices