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Federal Framework for Action in Rural Canada


Rural Canadians made it clear in the Rural Dialogue that they want the federal government to show leadership and to have a vision for rural Canada. They also want it to be an active and supportive partner helping them to achieve their own vision for rural Canada. Their involvement helped shape the Federal Framework for Action and develop the federal rural policy, which will help guide the actions of the federal government in addressing its commitment to Canadians living in rural and remote areas.


The Government of Canada's vision for rural Canada is:

  • Vibrant communities and a sustainable resource base contributing to our national identity and prosperity.
  • Citizens making informed decisions about their own future.
  • Canadians sharing the benefits of the global knowledge-based economy and society, and taking full advantage of opportunities for personal and sustainable community development.


The Government of Canada will build towards this vision focusing on the eleven priority areas identified by participants in the Rural Dialogue:

  • Improve access to federal government programs and services for rural Canadians;
  • Improve access to financial resources for rural business and community development;
  • Provide more targeted opportunities, programs and services for rural youth, including Aboriginal youth;
  • Strengthen rural community capacity building, leadership and skills development;
  • Create opportunities for rural communities to maintain and develop infrastructure for community development;
  • Connect rural Canadians to the knowledge-based economy and society and help them acquire the skills to use the technology;
  • Strengthen economic diversification in rural Canada through more targeted assistance;
  • Work with provincial and territorial governments to examine and pilot test new ways to provide rural Canadians with access to health care at reasonable cost;
  • Work with provincial and territorial governments to examine and pilot test new ways to provide rural Canadians with access to education at reasonable cost;
  • Foster strategic partnerships, within communities, between communities and among governments to facilitate rural community development; and
  • Promote rural Canada as a place to live, work and raise a family recognizing the value of rural Canada to the identity and well-being of the nation.


The Government of Canada will work with rural Canadians to build a rural Canada in which:

  • Citizens access the tools, information, and skills to make informed decisions and to take full advantage of opportunities for personal and community development.
  • Citizens access the science and technology, infrastructure and services to be full partners in the knowledge-based economy and society.
  • Citizens maintain and enhance their quality of life.
  • Sustainable and diversified rural communities contribute significantly to the national economy.
  • All Canadians recognize the values and strengths rural Canada contributes to our national prosperity and identity.


The Government of Canada recognizes that:

  • Rural and remote Canada is a major part of our national identity and contributes to defining our national values.
  • Rural Canadians should determine their own future.
  • "One size does not fit all" and solutions to development vary from community to community and region to region.
  • Rural development is a responsibility to be shared among governments and with rural Canadians.

Further, the Government of Canada recognizes the need to:

  • Listen to rural citizens.
  • Help communities to help themselves by creating an environment that encourages community development and empowers communities to shape their own solutions.
  • Involve rural Canadians as partners in developing policies and programs that directly affect them and their communities.
  • Partner and collaborate with rural stakeholders and citizens, other governments and within the Government of Canada.
  • Use a "Rural Lens" in developing and shaping future policies, programs and services according to rural needs, while recognizing the need for flexibility in programs and in their delivery locally.
  • Work with rural Canadians to address their concerns comprehensively and in a way that balances social, economic, environmental and cultural development.
  • Focus on sustainable long-term initiatives, recognizing that development takes time.


The Minister Coordinating Rural Affairs will present an annual report to Parliament to tell what federal departments and agencies are doing to meet the federal government's commitment to rural Canadians.

This report will be made available to Canadians in rural and remote areas.

Date Modified: 2001-01-25