Friday, March 03, 2006

"Artists deserve to live in a dignified manner"

Just before Ottawa spoken-word artist Greg Frankson took the stage to provide his unique rapportage of the conference thus far, one audience member's comment resonated with many members of the crowd.

"Artists deserve to live in a dignified manner," she said, addressing the issue of respect by the government to insure that artists are not living in poverty, as many in Canada do.

This is an issue that was addressed by numerous speakers who have taken the stage so far, including facilitator David Hasbury, who recognized that the income for many artists does not allow them to create, rather their often small income goes toward their survival.

For this reason, Jennifer Cayley of Storytellers of Canada would love to see more youth tell their stories at the conference because they are "who is living and experiencing this stuff." She outlines that young, emerging artists are crucial members of the artistic community, often sacrificing income for creation.

"I'd love to see more concrete imput from the guys who are coming up behind us," she says.

Both Hasbury and Cayley recognize the crucial involvement of young artists in Canada, making it clear that an investment in young artists is an investment in our future.


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