Saturday, March 04, 2006

Technology integral part of distribution

Technology does not need to be feared. Getting art to the public sometimes has geographical barriers that the internet can bridge, including providing a forum for artists to promote and sell their work in an "ebay" like fashion.

The internet could be "the beginning of a really brilliant idea we hope will have legs," says Susan Annis, regarding conversation that was sparked during one of the two Producer and Cultural Industry workshops yesterday.

As a young, technical savvy user of the Internet I see Annis's optimism as a key to distribution in the very near future. The internet helps to blur geographical barriers, making Canadian art accessible to the world with the click of a mouse, ensuring that Canadians can view and purchase work from across the nation.

"When we think about funding the art, we're not just thinking about the art, but how to get it to the people," says David Hasbury.


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