Friday, March 03, 2006

Spoken Word Poetry #2 by Greg Frankson

Culture, creativity and competitiveness were linked together by the CCCE
Where it was shown that one of our greatest strengths is our tremendous diversity
Those who are creative want to live in situations where their talents tend to thrive
So that those who enrich us through their ideas no longer need to worry about how to survive
And also to increase the tax benefits to those who donate to a charitable cause
To a level that is equal to those who financially support those who create the laws
There are artists in Ireland who earn cash from work who since 1969
Have been tax exempt and create a community strong – their approaches we could refine
And apply to our situation to encourage our creative minds to be loosed upon the land
In a way that corporations support through contributions and so government can understand
That in giving up that revenue they will increase our national treasures of art
Enriching every single Canadian who cares about the society we will inevitably depart
And bequeath to our children – what’s the legacy that we’d like to leave?
So it’s incumbent on us to learn how to trust in a consensus we build with reeves
And with mayors and with senior governments, and at the grassroots of the nation
So we can celebrate creativity in all its forms for cultural and economic elevation

Then we look at our craft as producers, creators, and artists, cultural innovators
And how we go about the job of common purpose as societal elevators
We hash through the many different areas of our overarching concerns
And talk together, and debate, and sift through the resulting returns
That are scribed onto chart paper and will be used to form the core of the course
That we create to form a unified policy articulated with force
The arts bridges so many disciplines, affects populations far and wide
Illuminates our national psyche in ways that fill our country with pride
But we must recognize the ways in which we cross barriers between the creation
And the production and the distribution that relies on effective dissemination
Of our cultural expressions that we work so hard to bring our people together
Policy that’s future directed must directly reflect the passion of our artistic endeavours
It needs to bridge the gaps that were created between Quebec and the rest
And to reflect our diversity – no doubt the glue that binds our best to our best
With a commitment from artists and government, private interests and agencies
We press ahead with confidence to create an cultural community that’s the best it can be

We have to conquer the fact that we have the tower of Babel at every table
Communications across the silos must happen for us to tear away the limiting labels
That separate each other from each other, and lead to semantic arguments that distract
And keep us from fighting for what we all believe in, and get the dignity that we lack
The methods we use to create what we do are shifting in new and novel ways
So we have to take notice and make the changes or be left in the olden days
New technologies demand new skill sets for our artists to pursue their craft
And we must depend on each other more, not always run off to the government to draft
New legislation and new regulation – perhaps now it’s time to dispense
With too much reliance on old funding sources and find new paths to excellence
We may be too consumed by the need to sell ad space and to strictly entertain
Instead of pursuit of art for art’s sake – commercial success while we strive to maintain
The passion and the spark that sits at the heart of the artist’s decision to persevere
Let’s take the necessary steps together to keep our creative talent residing here
Canadian content rules the roost but we have to keep distributing our works anon
And formulate the best approach that saves CANCON for our children once we’re gone

We cannot reduce all art to digital form, for that would destroy the unique aspects
Of many of our best forms of expression meant to be appreciated in many respects
Directly in the public space with the creators on hand to discuss and to show
So that people will understand, they will respect, they will value, and they will know
The greatest we’ve ever produced will be given the stage they so richly deserve
And in this process the needs of the past, present and the future will be served
So while the policy directions must form a strong part of what we have to do next
We should keep our successes in the public eye and our full cultural body of works in context
As our times destroy the model that brought our sector to the point we’ve reached today
It’s imperative we continue the work we’re doing to shift our methods without delay
Our widely divergent points of view all must bring the urgency times demand
To the way they interact to draw the conclusions that will inform our future stand
Lots of progress has been made where we’ve broken down into smaller groups
Now we should work even harder to merge views of constituent crews of our troops
And create the unification of purpose that we must have to gain the policy
That makes the pursuit of artistic endeavours a joy for all Canadians to see.


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