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Canadian Conference of the Arts

Honouring our Commitment to Diversity: Investing in Canada's Arts and Culture at Home and Around the World

On November 23, just days before the election was called, the Government of Canada announced its ratification of the UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, as well as a multi-year increase in federal funding for the arts.   The February 2005 budget included a historic fiscal investment in culture, as the "Tomorrow Starts Today" program was extended through March 2010.

The proposed International Policy unveiled this past spring has eliminated the third pillar of Canadian foreign policy, the promotion of Canadian culture and values. The cultural sector needs to understand the impact of this realignment of our international policy and its impact on the presence of Canadian artists and creators on the world stage.

The CCA is asking all political parties about their commitment to these initiatives if they are elected as our next government.

a) Will your party ensure that new federal funding for the arts and culture announced on November 23, which included an increase to the budget of the Canada Council for the Arts and other key investments, will be reflected in the 2006 Federal Budget?

b) Does your party support a review of Canada’s new international policy statement to restore arts and culture as a key aspect of public diplomacy? Would your party support increased financing for the Department of Foreign Affairs’ cultural programs?

c) Does your party intend to extend the Department of Canadian Heritage’s “Tomorrow Starts Today” funding package beyond the current timetable? Would your party increase financial commitments to its component programs?

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