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The Voice of Canadian Arts and Culture
Canadian Conference of the Arts

Current projects

The Canadian Conference of the Arts is constantly engaged in research, analysis and response to key issues affecting the arts and cultural sector. These issues change depending upon government agendas and social and global trends. As well, priorities established by our members guide much of the CCA's work. In addition to substantive policy research, we also provide input to the development of federal cultural policy, arm the sector with information during elections and other campaigns, and respond to breaking news and hot-button issues influencing the sector.

Current Parliamentary Affairs
(January 2006 to present)
This link contains information on the five major federal parties’ platforms on arts and culture plus information on where things left off in the House of Commons when the January 2006 election was called.

During the 38th Parliament of Canada
(June 2004 - November 2005)
This link contains information on CCA briefs presented to the federal government and its agencies and issues-based advocacy campaigns.

CCA's Advocacy Primer
This Advocacy Primer (reviewed June 2007) is for anyone and everyone interested in seeking to influence government policy, but not to govern.

Strategic Partnerships

Canadian Arts Coalition
The CCA is a member of the Steering Committee of the Canadian Arts Coalition, whose aim is to ensure an adequate investment in artistic creation, research, development and production in the 2006 federal budget. They are seeking an increased federal government contribution of $5 per capita for the arts and culture through the Canada Council for the Arts.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The Canadian Centre for Policy (CCPA) is an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social and economic justice and is one of Canada's leading voices in progressive policy debates. The CCA participates annually in the preparation of the arts and culture chapter for the CCPA's "Alternative Federal Budget" (AFB) as a member of its Steering Committee. 

The CCA is a member of the Editorial Working Group for Culturescope.ca, an interactive service of the Canadian Cultural Observatory funded through the Department of Canadian Heritage's Canadian Culture Online Strategy. The Canadian Cultural Observatory aims to inform and enhance cultural development in Canada by: fostering responsive research relating to Canadian cultural policy and development; connecting cultural policy decision-makers, researchers and other professionals in order to share knowledge and exchange needs and interests; and encouraging informed decision-making for policy and planning.

One extremely useful feature on Culturescope.ca is ConnectCP Canada, a database of cultural policy experts in Canada which is a subset of connectCP, an international database being developed by IFACCA (International Federation of Arts Councils and Cultural Agencies) and the Boekman Foundation.

Imagine Canada's Voluntary Sector Awareness Project
Eight national organizations, including the CCA, have come together to launch an innovative new project intended to raise awareness about the Canadian voluntary sector. The purpose of the Voluntary Sector Awareness Project (funded by Social Development Canada and led by Imagine Canada) is to generate dialogue and solicit feedback from a broad range of charities and non-profit organizations and, over the summer of 2006, to launch a public awareness campaign that will deliver an adaptable message and platform to each of the 161 000 charities and non-profit organizations interested in participating.

International Network for Cultural Diversity (INCD)
The CCA is a member of the Steering Committee of the International Network for Cultural Diversity (INCD),a world-wide network of artists and cultural groups dedicated to countering the homogenizing effects of globalization on culture. The INCD represents individual artists and cultural activists, cultural organizations and creative industries which come from all continents, sectors and disciplines of the cultural community, ranging from new media artists to traditional artisans. The INCD is a democratic membership organization with an active Steering Committee and is guided by a Statement of Principles and member decisions. 

Coalition for Cultural Diversity (CCD)

The Canadian Arts Coalition is a large national consortium of arts supporters: business leaders and arts philanthropists, sponsors and volunteers, artists and arts organizations, who believe that the future of our citizens, their towns and cities, and indeed, the nation itself depends on a rich, vibrant and diverse arts community. But the arts can flourish only when they have stable, long-term and sustainable funding. It is to allow this expansive environment that the Canadian Arts Coalition is asking the federal government to establish a protocol which leads to an annual increase of $100 million in federal funding for the arts through the Canada Council for the Arts. The CCA is an active supporter of this campaign and our National Directorsits on the Coalition's Steering Committee.