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Canadian Conference of the Arts


CCA Bulletins 2011

Bulletins are the CCA's frequent information updates on current events affecting the cultural sector. Members can subscribe to receive directly via email by e-mailing info@ccarts.ca.

CCA Bulletin 9/11

Revenue at risk through C-32: The CCA stands by its estimate of $126M a year

(March 14, 2011)

CCA Bulletin 8/11

National Digital Strategy: the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage makes a series of recommendations

(March 1, 2011)

CCA Bulletin 7/11

The CCA weighs in on private television group-based licence renewals

(February 25, 2011)

CCA Bulletin 6/11

What exactly is the financial impact of C-32 on artists and other rights holders?

(February 7, 2011)

CCA Bulletin 5/11

The cultural sector mobilizes around copyright reform

(February 3, 2011)

CCA Bulletin 4/11

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: Members of Parliament return to the Hill

(January 31, 2011)

CCA Bulletin 3/11

Nothing like a CRTC submission to start the year off right!

(January 24, 2011)

CCA Bulletin 2/11

The US government turns up the heat on cultural diplomacy: Can we hope that Ottawa will do the same?

(January 17, 2011)

CCA Bulletin 1/11

FROM THE DESK of Alain Pineau: A nice way to start the year!

(January 11, 2011)

Bulletin Archive








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To obtain bulletins produced before 2004 please write to us at info@ccarts.ca.