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Canadian Conference of the Arts

CCA Board of Governors' Code of Conduct

The objective of the Canadian Conference of the Art's code of ethics and conduct is to promote a climate of integrity within the CCA and to assist individual Board and staff members who may be called upon to make decisions of an ethical nature. Ethics are based on the underlying values of integrity, honesty, fairness, respect, loyalty, cooperation, and accountability.

To merit the confidence which the public trust calls for, I will abide by the following rules:

  • I will act at all times in the best interests of the CCA. In my decisions, the well-being of the Canadian Conference of the Arts is of greater importance than personal interest.
  • I will act and be seen to act in an ethical manner.
  • I will avoid all activities which can be construed as actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest and, on appointment to the board, I will disclose any such activities.
  • I will not use my affiliation with the CCA for personal gain or to benefit a third party.
  • I will avoid disclosure of information received in confidence from the CCA.
  • I will respect the confidential nature of Board discussions and will not publicly attribute remarks or positions taken at Board meetings to specific members.
  • If I am directly or indirectly interested in a contract or similar arrangement with the CCA, I must declare my interest, leave the meeting when it is discussed, and refrain from voting on it.
  • If I wish to apply for a paid position (contract or staff) with the CCA, I must declare my intention and resign from the Board. 

Involvement in Outside Board Activities as a CCA Representative


If I wish to serve on other boards as an official representative of the CCA, I will respect the following guidelines:

  • Any such appointment must be approved by the board of the CCA.
  • The organization on whose board I am asked to sit as a CCA representative must direct and manage its financial and business affairs in an efficient, effective and accountable manner.
  • The organization must be well-governed and be seen to be well-governed.
  • The overall culture of the organization must be compatible with the core values and beliefs of the Canadian Conference of the Arts.
  • I will decline a position on a board that might be detrimental to the CCA or in conflict with the CCA's mandate.