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Canadian Conference of the Arts

Board of Governors

Jason van Eyk
Toronto, ON

Arts manager, performer, and music instructor Jason van Eyk joined the CMC as Ontario Regional Director in 2003. He is an accomplished violist, having received a B. Mus. (magna cum laude) from the University of Ottawa and a M. Mus. from the Eastman School of Music. Jason completed an MBA specializing in Arts and Media Management, and concentrating in Marketing Management, at York University's Schulich School of Business in 2000.


Jason has worked as Marketing Manager with the Canadian Stage Company and Marketing Coordinator (Music and Visual Arts) with Harbourfront Centre. He currently fills the volunteer post of Marketing Committee Chair for the Coalition of New Music Presenters in Toronto. Jason presently focuses his efforts towards adjudicating for music festivals, speaking at music education meetings and conferences and guest lecturing on the topic of arts management.


Jason has performed in Canada, the United States, France, Germany and Italy, in various ensembles under a range of conductors including Jeanne Lamon, Leon Fleischer, Brad Lubman, Robert Shaw and Otto Werner Muller. As a music instructor, As well, he has co-developed and conducted master classes and presentations within the Rochester District School Board. He has also instructed as a faculty member of the Regent Park School of Music, where he was the faculty representative to the Board of Directors and a member of the Artistic Advisory Committee (2001-2003).